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Here's the next part, thank you so much for reading, please leave comments and feedback!
Loud noises started echoing in Ashley's ears as she looked and saw darkness except for a figure "You can't give up baby" it said. Ashley recognised the voice instantly, "Daddy, i can't do this" "Ash listen to me, you are a fighter and that man sat holding your hand, he needs you and i know you can do this so just open your eyes" "i can't dad they are too heavy" "I love you Ash and you are stronger than Herrick gives you credit for so JUST OPEN YOUR EYES!" Suddenly Ashley jumped up with a gasp, the monitors once again came alive. "Ash your awake! we thought wed lost you" Mitchell exclaimed embracing her in his huge arms. The doctor came running in and did some quick tests. "Well Miss Green you were legally dead for 20 minutes but welcome back" he said smiling and left the room. "Mitchell" "i'm here, ive always been here""i saw my dad Mitchell, he made me come back" Ashley sat up and noticed Mitchell had hold of her hand once again he sat on the side if the bed next to her and gazed into her eyes "im so sorry, it's all a game to him, he didn't want you dead though he just wanted to warn me. Herrick phoned the ambulance you know" Mitchell then burst into tears "if it wasnt for him youd be dead, its all my fault. I promised to protect you but i couldnt, you were in trouble but i didnt know." Ashley took Mitchell's cheeks in her hands and kissed his lips gently. "Just be quiet, im fine" she said chuckling. Mitchell looked at her "i love you Ashley Green, more than life itself and i dont ever want to lose you again" he looked at her almost as surprised at his outbirst as Ashley was "good job im not going anywhwere then" she said "oh and i suppose whilst we are on it, i love you too." Mitchell pulled Ashley in for a kiss, it seemed everlasting but they were interrupted by a man clearing his throat at the doorway "seems someone didn't get the message" Herrick joked as he flashed his jet black eyes and fangs. Ashley felt over come with confidence and stood up off the bed "i don't care what you do to me Herrick, you said it yourself as long as Mitchell has me and George you can't get to him, you can't lure him back so you need to get rid of me but you can't kill me because then he would hate you and you would lose him forever. So you are powerless, you can only threaten and scare me, you can't kill me and i'm not going anywhere so i suggest you do, piss off back to your funeral palour and continue with your plans for world domination" Ashley snapped sarcastically, Herrick's smirk has disappeared and he slunked out of the room muttering under his breath until he seemed to get a new wind of confidence, he whirled on his heels and came back to the door he looked at the pair before saying ' you're right, I can't destroy you but he can and I am going to stand by and let it happen, what he is will win and I can't wait until it does" he gestured to Mitchell who looked scared but Ashley just laughed and once again Herrick left only this time he too was laughing, a sinister laugh. Mitchell stood up and shrugged off herricks words before turning to Ashley "that was amazing" he said. "i meant every word of it". The pair started chuckling before collapsing onto the bed in each others arms. Mitchell felt like for once in his life he had made it, he was human.

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