Chapter 1

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So throughout this I'll address the pairing as their drag names, so Jason will be called Violet and Matthew will be called Pearl. Simply because it makes it less confusing and yeah... But unless sated so, they are not in drag throughout this fic.

Also, it is stated in bold who's point of view (p.o.v) the segment is in, to avoid any confusion.


Pearls p.o.v

I sauntered down the long corridor of school, my fellow team mates following my trail mixed with the odd admirer and cheerleader, draping off their man's arm. A group of younger girls that stood by their lockers watched as we passed, mouths hanging agape and trying to look seductive, attempting to catch my attention. I continued to walk.

I was used to the attention, I got it everyday. Being on the Wrestling team also gave you the task of being engrossed by your peers. I got the most from the team, even though I wasn't the captain; that role was given to Brendon, the son of our coach. I had the skill to lead us to victory. 

Further down the hall, there was a horde of people gathering around a single locker, and it was made clear of exactly what was happening when I heard the high pitch of yelling orders around. Someone shuffled away from the crowd, scattering down the hall and looking panicked, ducking his head down when passing my crowd, but also creating a clearing in the cluster for me to make eye-contact with the petite boy with long brunette locks, the one with long legs and obviously a large mouth as all he seems to do is boss people around. 

It was like the world had gone into slow motion, the tension between the pair of us as I continued my journey down the halls, the glare in Violets dark eyes and the smirk on my lips, my smugness all the more visible. 

"I'm stressed and I don't have time for this! Just do what I told you to do and don't talk to me till you have." Turning, I saw Violet tugging at his hair before stalking down the hall in the opposite direction, papers and files loaded in his skinny arms. His crowd all stood there looking lost and slightly scared of the outburst, though I don't know why, I hear him screeching everyday. 


A shirt scrunched up to resemblance a ball flew past my head as I stripped off my clothing, the other males in the locker rooms howling and pissing around. The wrestling team usually got together twice a week, however with the final match approaching in a matter of weeks we've been meeting as much as possible. 

"Your strap is twisted.", I averted my eyes to the male approaching me, his cold fingers brushing against my exposed shoulder blade as he lifted the spandex material and let it fling back against my skin, goosebumps raising against my flesh as he made sure the other wasn't twisted either.

"Thanks, Dan." I rolled my shoulders before reaching into my gym locker to retrieve my powder, patting my elbows and offering some to the brunette stood next to me. Tucking it back away when he shook his head. 

"Okay boys, gather round!" The coach walked in, his milky thighs exposed in his red shorts and his large biceps looking all the more ravishing, "The big match is on the 3rd March, meaning we need to be prepared! I want you to give me your best today."

I felt a puff of air connect with the skin on my neck as Dan leaned into me, his warm breath blowing into my ear.

"Dude, you need to stop checking coach out, or at least make it less obvious." I just chuckled as my eyes continued to travel the older males body.

"I just appreciate what the holy lord gifted us with." I didn't wait for his reply before walking towards the door, sliding past coach and allowing my hand to trail across his thigh, yet holding my hands up defensively when he turned and frowned at me, making my way towards the hall to greet the other members of my team.


Another bonus of being on top of the school is having the best table in the cafeteria. Although they were no set plan on who sat where, it was known that this table was where the 'populars' sat. Directly in the centre. 

What can I say, I love attention.

Most people sat in small groups, staying together and blending into the background, however over near the wall was the same crowd from earlier, all sat except from one. Violet stood at the end of the table, passing papers around and ordering roles to specific people for specific times, explaining what was happening when and what needed to be happening.

"I'll be back in a moment, I'm just grabbing some water." I told nobody in particular before rising from my seat and walking over to the counter. On the way past the table full of theatre kids, Violet dropped a piece of paper that skidded the small distance in front of me. I bent down to retrieve, but it was only filled with nonsense to do with the play Violet was producing, again. That's all the twat seems to do. However, just as I was about to hand over the form my eyes clocked the date of the play. 3rd March. Fuck.

"I said give me that back you areshole!" Violets screeching snapped me out of my daze, trying to snatch back the paper from my grip. "Pearl, for once in your life, stop being a fucking cunt and give me it!"

Still angry about him setting the play on the same day as the match, I simply scrunched up the piece of paper and threw it towards him, hitting him on the forehead before walking away, out the cafeteria and down the halls, ignoring Violets yelling after me, ignoring the laughter erupting through the doors.

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