Chapter Eight

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Violet's p.o.v

The door to my bedroom creaked open as I stirred awake, the digits 02:38pm flashing across my clock that stood on my bedside table. 

I attempted to sit up in bed, but was weighed down by a heavy limb laid across my waist. Furrowing my brows, I looked down to see Pearl curled up next to me, laid on top of my floral bedsheets. Remembering the figure in my doorway, my eyes made contact with the small body that was my mother, her slightly sinking cheeks being raced by a crimson blush, which I no doubt guessed reflected my own. 

"I'm sorry for disturbing you dear, just checking you're okay... which I can see you are." She hushed in a whisper, careful not to wake the boy who she was currently scanning up and down with her dark eyes. 

I was about to protest, tell her it's not what it looks like and that he's just a friend, not even that! But she just smiled at me warmly before slowly closing the door again, the small click seeming to waken Pearl as he bean to groan under his breath.

He nestled his face into the pillow he was leant on before his movements froze, eyebrows furrowing as he began to slowly open his eyes. Becoming aware of how close I was- basically still wrapped in his drowsy embrace- I shuffled myself across the bed, attempting to straighten out my hair and act oh so causal.  I'm 100% sure I did not pull it of.

Pearl propped himself up on his elbows and observed his surrounding, myself being the last thing his gaze landed on. The confusion that was once laced within his features dropped as he seemed to remember where he exactly was. 

"I didn't mean to fall asleep, I'm sorry." He apologised while raising a hand to scratch the back of his neck, diverting his eyes to the floor below him. 

"Don't worry about it..." My own gaze still hadn't left his form, somehow transfixed on his figure and how.... adorable he looked after just waking up. I mean, his dark blonde hair was literally sticking up in every direction, and his sparkling blue eyes were allied by clusters of sleep. His voice was slow (well slower then usual- yes that's actually possible) and deep, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't find it fucking hot. His shirt was also raised slightly, exposing his tanned hip and the skin looked so soft and smooth, I just wanted to run my hand against it; see if it felt as delicate as it looked.

I mentally scolded myself for thinking such things, reminding myself that Pearl was, infact, a huge twat. Not including the past few days, he had been nothing but a complete dick and it was his fault I was in this situation in the first place. I rolled off my bed and found my place on my floor infront of my sewing machine, beginning to fold up a piece of material which had been discarded in a messy ball.


"Mhhm?" I didn't bother looking up, but if I did, I would of been met with a pair of worried eyes starin at me.

"I've been thinking... and I think you should visit a doctor." His voice, although it sounded worried, was also demanding; as if he wouldn't take no for an answer. 

That didn't mean I would try.

"That won't be necessary Pearl."

"But you are obviously ill Violet! I can't just stand here and watch you suffer." He let out a sigh, which I repeated, tired of him being on my back already.

"Then don't. This has nothing to do with you Pearl, you're not even a friend so you don't have the right to worry about me. There's no way I'm going to the doctors so you can stop right now." Releasing a breath I hadn't realised I was holding, I let the material I was gripping fall from my fingers and instead let them run through my hair, daring to glance up at the male on my bed.

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