Chapter Two

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Violet's p.o.v

I stood there, embarrassment and anger filling me as I watched Pearl walk away from me, exiting the cafeteria. Laughter erupted from the middle of the room as his team members had witnessed his actions, and even clocked a few sniggers coming from behind me. I turned to glare at my supposedly friends, who were covering their mouths with their hands and trying to hide the fact that they found amusement in my humiliation. 

"Be in the hall straight after school. You're late, you're out the play." I growled before stomping out the doors, following direction of the blonde. It was a empty threat, the play was a matter of weeks away and everybody had already learned their lines, but I could sure be tempted.

"Pearl! Get your ass back here!" I shouted after him, storming down the corridor he was wandering down, yet he paced up his step when hearing I'd came after him. "You better fucking apologise right now or I swear to god."

He stopped all of sudden, resulting in me walking into his back, but before I could retaliate he had pushed me against the wall, blocking any exit between the solid brick and his toned body.

"Why? What the fuck are you going to do?" His face was merely inches from my own, close enough for me to feel his warm breath upon my cheeks, and to smell the minty fresh twang along my lips. I didn't say anything in return, I was actually loss for words, my chest heaving up and down from shock. "Exactly." Pearl scuffed before pushing himself off the wall, taking a few steps away from me before turning and looking at me dead in the eye, "You better change the date of your shitty play."

I found my voice again at that sentence, the same anger from before boiling up inside of me. "Uhm, fuck no! I've had this thing planned for months!" But he was already hallway down the hall, ignoring my protests and leaving his word final. I knew I couldn't do anything about it, after all I was practically a twig compared to him and his muscle.

Frustration overflowed my body, hating the ignorance and ego of the other male. The library was down the next corridor, so I found solitude there as half of lunch was still present. I attempted to straighten out the creases of the ball of paper, yet it only got me more wound up resulting in me ripping it to shreds and kicking the table leg, which caused more pain to my skinny legs then damage to the school property. 

Grabbing a pen and retrieving my notepad from my bag, I started to rewrite the information and circled the date 3rd March, determined that I was sticking to my plans. The play was only a few weeks away and I was fairly confident with how the final result was going to turn out. I had written the script myself, casted the roles, and planned/created the costumes. It took a lot of work, too much for me to just bow down and change it all for the shitty wrestling team.

"Violet? Hey, you okay? You look stressed." Hayley, a diminutive girl with bright orange hair plopped down in the chair next to me, propping her boot shielded feet on the table top. "It's nothing to do with the play right?" A bubble erupted from her mouth and the gum made a smacking noise before she continued smacking on the chewy substance.

"Everything is fine, I'm just slig-"

"Good, because I wanted to speak to you about costumes. I was thinking you could make my middle tighter?" She cut me off mid-sentence, her body now leaning forward with an elbow on her knee and a questioning gaze painted across her features.

"Hayley, all the costumes have already been completed", however the hopeful look didn't erase of her face, and if she wasn't the lead female role of the act I probably would of told her to fuck off, but I didn't. I just let out a sigh and unwillingly nodded my head, executing in a large beam to appear on her chops.

"Thanks Vi, I'm gonna go and catch a cig off someone, see you after school" She trotted of back through the oak doors, leaving me alone in peace once again.  


Ringing echoed throughout my ears as the bell signalled the end of the day, meaning I had to attend an hour of directing a group of kids to make my imagination come alive. I opened the double doors of the drama studio, entering the large open area where the painted scenes towered high and props were stashed everywhere. The room was off limits too everyone not in the play whilst we were getting prepared, allowing us to leave everything set up instead of worrying about packing it safely.

I perched myself upon a stool, waiting for everyone else to arrive. Soon enough the room started to fill, people finding comfort on the floor or grabbing their own seat. A exhausted vibe was filling the room as they entered, witnessing about 5 people yawn and one kid near the back nearly nod off to sleep. Allowing a sigh to slip past my lips, I decided to not keep them long, as they had been working hard every night for the past few weeks.

"Okay guys, I've decided to let you all have a little break tonight," I watched as their eyes widened, sudden interest to the words flowing out my mouth, "So we'll go through lines twice and then you're all free to go." 

We all gathered in a circle and went through a few scenes I thought needed improvement, missing out the selection we had down. Yet even I was too tired to go through it all again, so I allowed everyone to leave. 

Unusual for me, I know. But a guy can be generous at times. Especially when they've had the shittest day and just wants to go home and get work done.

We filed out the room, me being the last one and locking the doors behind us all before walking towards the car park to walk home, figures separating to go their own way. I myself made it to the outskirts of school until I realised I had left my jacket in the studio, and though I would be returning tomorrow, I had left my god damn keys in the pocket. 

Groaning, I spun on the spot and buried my hands into the pockets of my cargo shorts, strolling back inside the building that I was more then ready to leave, and weaved through the eerily quite corridors of the empty school.

As I rounded the corner of the dimply lit hall, I heard banging from the distance beyond me. My pulse increased as I figured someone must of got inside the theatre hall, inside my sanctuary of hard work and present accomplishments. I mean, that's the only room in that direction?

I basically ran to the door, panic overflowing the brim of emotions as I fumbled around my bag for the key to the door. Finally getting it open, I barged in and snapped my head towards the fire exit door nearing the back of the room, where I caught the glimpse of someone running away and heard a whole lot more of sniggering, a group of people making an escape from a wrath I was sure to create upon them. 

A sinking feeling set in my stomach as I examined my surroundings, seeing my hard work being demolished. Sets were vandalized and broken, costumes were torn and ruined, props were snapped and dinted, everything I had worked for for the last year was destroyed. Luckily I came back when I did or else the damage would of been much worse, but the thought didn't stop the tears spilling from my eyes and the groan of frustration and sadness rupture from the pits of my stomach and every inch of my lungs.

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