Chapter Seven

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If you're still reading this, I fucking adore you <3

Violet's p.o.v

The sound of the front door opening filled the previously silent house as my mother arrived from work, soon followed by the creak of the staircase and small steps towards my bedroom door.

"Violet, hun?" She hushed from the other side of the wooden door, her gentle tone making the side of my lips upturn.

"I'm awake mom." 

My door slowly opened and revealed a tired looking woman wearing a pair of dark purple scrubs with her dark hair scraped back out of her face, dark bags accompanying her bright blue eyes; quite the opposite to my own.

"Babe, what are you doing up so late?"

Looking around myself, taking in the scraps of fabric thrown around and papers upon papers with quick sketches on everywhere, I just shrugged my shoulders as a sigh escaped my lips. "The play has a new character as something happened with my previous one. I need to get their costume done so we can run through dress rehearsals."

"Vi ,you really should get some sleep, you haven't been looking well recently and I think it would really be best if you-"

I cut my moms sentence of with a glare, tired of hearing the same thing from everybody. "I can sort my health out once the play is over with. My future at college is basically depending on the turn out of this and I can't afford to lose time fucking sleeping when I have shit to do!" 

It was rare I swore infront of my mom, never mind at her, and I think she realised as she slowly backed out of my room and closed my door behind her, leaving me alone to breathe heavily and try to concentrate on the attire I was sewing, only for it to screw up. 

"Fuck!" I threw the garment across the room towards the trash can, only for it to miss by a good distance. It's like nothing in my life wanted to go right. 

As if on cue, my head began to throb, my vision going slightly blurred as I began to rub temples. Literally crawling into my bed was the only option that seemed appealing, so that's what I did, resting my head against my pillow and letting my eyes flutter close.


"Can you come over?" I spoke into my mobile which was wedged in-between my shoulder and ear, both of my hands occupied by bundles of material. 

"Who is this?" A dopey voice replied, earning an eyeroll from myself.

"Are you really just waking up? It's 10am Pearl!"

"Violet? How the fuck did you get my number?"

"Does it really matter? Just, can you come over or not?" I was losing my patience, wanting to get this over and done with so I could get back to progressing the play.

"Yeah, yeah sure.  I'll be there in 20." 

Not waiting for a reply, I threw my phone on my desk before returning to the material I had placed neatly on my bed, hoping that today I could get the garment finished after officially measuring Pearl. 

I had spoken to the rest of the cast via our group message chat prior to inviting the boy over and filled them in with the new situation, of which many of them were not happy about Pearl becoming an official member, yet our girl was still in hospital and I couldn't risk her not being fit in time.

Eventually, my door was being pushed open and in walked said boy, grey sweat pants hanging low on his hips and a white tank resting on his solid chest. He made himself comfortable on my bed, of which caused me to grimace because excuse me he still had his shoes on! Eventually though, Pearl rolled his eyes at my intense glare and kicked off his sneakers, laying back with his arms behind his head.

"So what can I do for you, pumpkin?"

"Your measurements, I need them... and don't call me that." Avoiding eye contact with the other male, I walked over to my desk and collected my measuring tape. I myself could feel the blush form across my cheeks, never mind Pearl actually seeing it.

Turning back around, I saw Pearl now standing there, removing his shirt and stretching his muscular arms over his head before holding them out, allowing my access across his torso. 

My hands were fucking shaking as I held the thin tape in my fingers, holding it to the wrestlers skin that looked flawless. I could feel the beat of his heart as my hands scanned his chest, accidentally dropping the tape on the floor. 

"Oh shit, I-I'm sorry." I dropped down to retrieve it, all the while stuttering? Really Violet? I shunned myself and willed for my usual snappy self to come through. I was too busy internally yelling at myself that I didn't even realise I was still down on my knees until I felt a strong hand clasp my shoulder, my gaze flicking up and meeting the cold blue ones of Pearls.  I slowly stood back up, Pearl's hand not leaving the flesh of my shoulder as I continued to slowly raise my hands up around his neck, the measuring tape falling against his broad shoulders as our eye contact didn't break once.

We were merely inches apart, close enough that I could feel his breath on my lips, and he looked so focused whilst scanning my features, and I myself had no idea what was happening, because one minute I couldn't stand the presence of said boy, however right now, in this moment, the urge to just lean in and capture his lips within my own was overtaking me.

"Violet?" Pearl spoke my name softly, yet worry was coating his words, his eyebrows beginning to furrow slightly. 

I took a step back as my head begun to spin slightly, the familiar dizziness returning that I had became accustomed to during these past few weeks. 

Pearl raised his hand to touch my forehead, the warmth of his skin sending chills down my body.

"Violet, you're burning up." Burning up? But I felt cold? 

Groaning, I laid down momentarily, telling myself I could just rest just for a minute before getting work done. However, apparently I'm a predictable sucker because soon enough the weight on my bed had shifted and I felt a wet flannel placed across my forehead, the cold temperature making me shiver slightly but was too exhausted to complain.

"Don't even think about moving, you need to rest."

"I can't, there's too much to do." Even though my words were one of protest, my voice was weak and unconvincing, especially as I rolled onto my side and tucked my legs into my chest.

There was no reply at first, only Pearl shifting around on my bed more and a soft sigh audible to my ears, then slender fingers combing through my hair, relaxing me instantly.

I was soon drifting off into a slumber, despite it only being early afternoon, Pearl's finger still working through my hair as I nestles my head closer to his lap.

"I'll help you." It came out in a whisper, I don't even know if I was supposed to hear Pearl's words, but I did, and a small smile traced my lips as I welcomed sleep for the second time that day.

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