Brook pov.
okay it's Saturday and I have my tuxedo and our secret luggage. And yes ours as in me and scarlet's. "Ready sunny boy?" Zach asks behind me. "More than I'll ever be. Now I have a whole week with my love with zero distractions in my way."
"Hey don't rush things brook, remember you have an entire WEEK with my daughter. Give it some time and ease her into saying yes."
"Yes sir'"
"Good now the luggage's should be in the limo by now. Hurry up and get in there." He said slapping my back and I'm about to leave I couldn't help my self but to say it. "That's what she said." I smirk. "Sorry I had to see you in a week."
"Okay. And bring my baby girl back home safe and sound."
"Yes sir." I say before finally closing the door behind me and walk to the limo where my love is waiting in her skinny jeans and a spaghetti strap shirt with a red vest and beanie. "Hey babe miss me?"
"Finally there you"She stares with her jaw dropped. "I-I not properly dressed please excuse me." she blushes trying to walk past back into the house but being me I don't allow that and grab her arm. "It's okay love you don't need to change for me."
"No buts the only buts here is yours on my lap in that Limo." She blushes again. "Didn't I tell you to stop with your god damn flirting?!"
"Yes but I don't listen to you now come on our jet is ready."
We make it to our private jet and I see that her eyes are wide and her mouth is fully dropped. "Well here we are, you gonna stare all day or you getting in?" I smirk holding out my hand to her. "Uh...w-we're g-going I-in a p-plane?"
She shutters."Well this is the fastest way to get to our date so yeah." What's wrong with her and planes? "Wait....scarlet are you afraid of heights?" She nods slowly and looks down. "I-I'm sorry."
"No no no don't cry now It'll be a-okay. No matter what happens I will not let go of your hand. I promise."
"O-okay I'll try." She whispers as she takes my hand. "I swear Nothing with hurt you in here. Nothing." She nods fastening her seat belt. Okay alpha and Luna we are ready for take off.
I see her arm start to shutter and i take her hand in mine. "Don't worry love I'm here okay?"
"Good girl now just sit back and relax, want anything to drink?"
"Uh...I am thirsty for some orange juice."
"Mad'am omega will you please get my mate some orange juice please?"
"Oh corse alpha I'll have it out in a giffy." A teenage girl walks in with a smile on her face bowing down to us. Later in about 2 minutes she comes back.
"Thank you.""No a problem Ms. Luna please don't hesitate to call if you need anything else. Have a good trip to-"
"Omega don't tell her yet I'm keeping it a secret till we arrive." Brook inturupts making me frown.
"Oh my apologize Sir Alpha.""No, no please I really want to know." I stutter hoping to the moon goddess that she'll see things my way. "I'm sorry Ms. Luna I'm afraid not please forgive me I'm only following orders." She bows yet again while holding back her cute English accent giggle
"Thank you omega you may go now."
"Oh corse Sir. Alpha and may I say you have such a beautiful mate." She smiles. "W-will I'm not that pretty but thank you." I blush.
"Thank you omega She is a sight for sore eyes isn't she?" She nods. "Well enough dilly - dally now please excuse me. I don't want to waste any more of your alone time have a nice flight." She bows for the last time before exiting the door.
"Well she's sweet. How come she's an omega?""Well at first we didn't give her the title omega but she loved to cook and clean a lot so we just stuck with it. I don't treat my omega ' s harshly unless they really done something disputable we treat them the same as we treat any other were the diffrent is that they do the cooking and cleaning with us from time to time."
"Oh okay. Well why not title hee as a chef?"
"Hm? Well that never came to mind. We're almost to our date."
"Really?" I ask jumping from the chair and to the closest window I can find. "Hey come back here I miss you."
"What? But I'm right here."
"I know but the farther you are from me the less tricks I can pull on you." We both laugh.
"Sir. Alpha, Ms. Luna we have made it to your destination. The limo is out front I hope you had a good flight." The omega came back.
"Thank you we had a lovely time here and um. So me and Luna were talking and we'll I would like to sign you to a new title in the pack." Her eyes widen.
"A-and what shall that be alpha?""I would love for you to be our official head chef. Hm. Chef olive. Has a nice ring to it don't you think?" We smile. "R-really alpha?! Oh goddess of the heavens I never thought this day will come thank you thank you thank you alpha and Luna." She jumped up to us with tears in her eyes.
"Okay okay now I can't have you crying on me like that. That's for your luna only. Now how's about we get you some chef clothing so you can start?"
"Huh? Y-you mean I start right now?""Well later on now go find the closest restaurant you can find and get a spare outfit. Use this so they know I sent you okay?" He says handing her a badge.
"Yes right away alpha and Luna. And don't you worry I will not poison your food ever. Well unless it's a love potion if you'd like." She giggles. "Good when your done meet us back at the house okay?""Yes sir have a nice date luna." She said racing out of the jet and out of sight."Wait a minute. Don't tell me we're in-"
"Yup the city of love."
"No way. This us the same place that-"
"Well lets get going love the luggage is already in the trunk."
"Luggage?" He wouldn't answer me but I assume I'm not gonna be a mate less wolf when we come back.

werewolf or vampires (#watty 2015)COMPLETE
WerewolfSCARLET-have you ever had that feeling where you wanted to run away from it all and explore the world? BROOK-Have you ever felt like going wolf and running away to find your one true mate out there in this world? MICHALE-have you ever wanted to run...