Brook pov.
So remember when I said that one of us marked one of our mates well your questions are about to be answered in 3.....2......1.....
"BROOK JAMES GET OVER HERE RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!" My mom shout from downstairs.
"Yes mother what is it?"
"What is it?! You know what it is when? Where? And who did this happen to her?!" She asked showing me the mark shown upon scarlets neck. So last night we were partying like crazy and she well.....lets say she couldn't take the heat in the kitchen but she stayed anyways.
Last night.......
"Scarlet are you gonna be okay?" Mari asked looking at Scarlets pink face. "I'm.....I'm f-fine. I'm fine as president Obama riding a unicorn to rainbow island with cotton candy on his head."
"Oh dear lord you are drunk. Brook get over here will yea."
"I shall only be a dressed as party king." He said as everyone cheers party king over and over again. "*sigh* party king will you get over here please?"
"Oh mari what up?"
"Up? If everything is up then why are we on the bottom? Are we really upside down and the world is upside pony?" Scarlet asked drinking out of her empty cup. "That's what's up." Mari says pointing at the chair that she is no longer sitting on. "Huh?"
"-and the part don't stop till I walk in-" scarlet sings on top of the stage while everyone cheers. "Someone get her down from there before-"
"Hey I'm gonna fall now and you all are gonna do the thing where you lift me up so I can swim okay? In!" Scarlet said falling to the hands of the crowd. "Dear god scarlet what are you doing?!" Brook shouts. " I'm the queen of all and all I'd my queen!!!" She said.
"Someone bring her over to me will yeah?" Brook ordered and eventually someone did. "Scarlet you should get some rest now before something bad happens to you."
"N-no I'm perfectly fine Luke a tiger swinging on a monkey wearing a thong and a top hat now if you'll exube me...."
"First off you mean ecuse me and secondly you are way to drunk when was the last time you drank anythink."
"Uh.... I think it was back in 1743 when I last had my fair share of liquor. Did you know back in the day think only cost a nickel. Boy I tell you it was good back in the old days where the kids used to play outside and every thing cost a nickel. Now in these days nobody goes outside anymore now all there worried about are these 'smartphones' these kids call. Did you know that-"
"Hurry up and take her home know she can drink but only at a cretin am out to where she talking about back in the day stuff she learned from her grandparents." Mari inturupts placing her hand to her mouth as booked picked her up bridal style and made his way back to the mansion and to there bedroom.
"There you go know scarlet goodnight-"
"Huh? What is it?"
"Brook please stay I'm so lonely and thinking about you with another girl scares me. I know I'm being rude and immature right now but please stay." Scarlet plead.
Is it wrong for me to say no to this?---brook.
Hell yeah it is! Do you A. Want to go to a party and end up leaving your mate alone by herself defenseless and scared or B. Want to be with your mate and maybe get a little action going on if we're lucky?-----degra.
No of course it's only a party we can do that any time we want.-----brook.
Good at least you have a little bit of sense left in you.

werewolf or vampires (#watty 2015)COMPLETE
LobisomemSCARLET-have you ever had that feeling where you wanted to run away from it all and explore the world? BROOK-Have you ever felt like going wolf and running away to find your one true mate out there in this world? MICHALE-have you ever wanted to run...