"She's gone"
Olive pov...
(before her death.)WARNING: This is about to be very depressing so if you don't want that on yourself just skip this pov. and go to the next.
I have noone. My heart is in shreds and noone cares. I'm not a good mother and I'll never be one. I left him for so long. I can't take much more of this. I want to die.....
What more do I have to live for. I have noone to hold, noone to cry on at any point of time, noone to say I love you too. So whats the point. I grab my keys on the shelf of my TV. I look around at everything around me for the last time as a small tear drops from my left eye. I lock my door and head downstairs as I open the door.
"Olive where are you going." Alpha brook asks as I make a smile appear. "Don't worry I'm just going to the grocery store." I say and head out and start the car. I hesitate to start the car as my hands shake and more tears fall free without anyone looking. Finally after that emotional breakdown I start the car and drive. later once i make it out to the road I notice a silver wolf that looks like brooks wolf start chasing me with my wallet in his mouth so I step on the gas until I make it to the cliff....the cliff me and Rufus would go to to be alone. The one wish I made is about to come true
"If you ever want to kill me then please this is the spot i want you to kill me at."
Yeah I know that's a weird wish but this was the one spot that i fell in love with. This is the spot wear i want to die at and its about to come true outside this car. I step out the car and walk to the edge of the cliff and turn around to see the alpha back in human form(and yes in pants) with worried eyes whispering 'what are you doing' as my only response was"Don't forget me" with a small wave and tear as I finally fall to my death. I'm free from my worries. I'm free from suffering. I'm free.
Brook pov.
after The story telling 1 week later everyone is in black and in complete silence. Olives parent's are in the living room with her 3 year old son with scarlet. I walk over to them as I see there still looking over olives one photo. "I'm so sorry for your lose. If there's anything I can do."
"Thank you alpha I just can't believe she's gone."
"This is all that bastards fault he did this to her!" Olives father shouts as his wife gently rubs his shoulder to calm him down. "Please I can't take much more of this. She's still here with us. Besides we still have little Timmy with us."
"Lisanna all I really want now is spend the rest of my life with you while were still alive. Just you and me and noone else your the last one I want to see die."
"Your right we are to old for this shit."
"I guess it's about that time for retirement." they nod. "But what about Timmy?" She asks as they look at each other in silence. "I can take him." I say breaking the silence. Told you I want as many kids as possible and this is only the first. Now all I need are my two little angels. So now we talk some more about them retiring when scarlet and Timmy walk back in. "Welcome home angel." I say placing her on my lap. "Glad to be home. So what's got you so happy."
"Well me and olives parents are going into retirement and someone has to take care of little Timmy here so...." I smile and look down at Timmy shyly hiding behind scarlet's hand. "Hey little dude it's okay I don't bite." I say as he looks up at her as she nods her head. "H-hi." He says in a mere whisper and walks up closer to me. "You okay?" He nods and opens his clenching hands that I was just now noticing to show a single blue rose from our front yard push. "This is for mommy. Can give this to her?" He asks and my chest hurts from his request. I nod my head and lead him to her resting place as he plants it down the ground.

werewolf or vampires (#watty 2015)COMPLETE
WerewolfSCARLET-have you ever had that feeling where you wanted to run away from it all and explore the world? BROOK-Have you ever felt like going wolf and running away to find your one true mate out there in this world? MICHALE-have you ever wanted to run...