Gun shot

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Its been 2 weeks since we saw Isaiah and he's coming home today. I'm so excited. I practically moved in with Roc, you know since the big explosion. So anyway, MY BITHDAY IS TOMORROW!!!!!!!! Well I should say birth-weekend. My birthday always end up on the weekend, so I celebrate it for the whole weekend. I'm turning 18 FINALLY! Leon is still in New York for some reason but he should be coming back on Sunday.

"Come on Lyric." Roc said as we pulled up to the hospital. I grabbed the bag with Isaiah's clothes and walked in the hospital. I just walked up to his room. I didnt bother to sign in. Those bitches should know me. When he saw us he smiled.

"Hey baby " I said picking him up. I put his clothes on *external link*, and walked out of the hospital. Roc had already signed him out. I strapped him in his carseat and hopped in the passenger seat. Where the hell is Roc? Then he walks out of the hospital.

"Wat took you so long?" I asked putting on my seat.

"That lady at the front desk. She fucking creeps me out. And her breath was KICKING! My nose is still burning." He said pulling out of the parking lot. I turned on the radio and my song was on. BACKSEAT FREESTYLE BY KENDRICK FUCKING LAMAR. I freaking love him. But he's still my cousin. I started to sing alone.

"All my life I want money and power

respect my mind or die from lead shower

I pray my dick get big as the eifflel tower

so I can fuck the world for 72 hour" I was JAMMING! Until we pulled up to the house.

"U need to watch your mouth, missy" Roc said to me. I playfully sticked out my tonge. I unbuckled Isaiah out of his carseat and carried him in the house.

"Niggas! We home!" Roc called out as we walked in the house. Ray, Prince, Jada and lil Kay (ray little sister)*on the side ----->* came running down the stairs.

"Hey where is Prod?" Roc asked.

"I'm in here." Prod yelled from the kitchen. This nigga. We walked in there and he was eating chicken. MY CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Nigga if you dont put my chicken down, I will molly wop yo ass." I snatched my away from him and bit it. 

"Fat ass"

"Thanks" I sarcastically said.

"WIFEY WHERE YOU AT!?" Jas yelled as she walked through the door with like 50 bags. Ray ran and helped her.

" IM IN HERE!" I yelled from the living room. she walked in and sat next to me.

"Oooo chicken." She grabbed the chicken I was eating and turned the TV.

"Trick." I mumbled.

"But you still love me boo." She kissed my cheek. I pushed her off me and wiped her slob off my face.

"Sure I do." I picked up another peice of chicken and turn the TV back to law n order SVU. I watch this show so much I can make your death seem like and accident. The kids was on the floor playing with eachother. Then roc came in and layed on my lap. Who the hell this nigga think he is.

"Nigga get off me" I said trying to push him off me. But he was stronger than me. So while I was sitting here trying to get him off me we heard gunshots.

"What the hell was that?" Jas looked alarmed.

"Hurry, get the kids upstairs." Prod yelled. I picked up Isaiah, Roc picked up Jada and Jas grabbed Kay and we ran upstairs to me and roc's room. Yeah we share a room.

I'm in love with a thug (Roc Royal love story)Where stories live. Discover now