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Phil's POV:

"Hey Joe!" I greeted my friend.

Joe Sugg.

"Yuck." He seethed.

I don't think he likes me.

"DAN!" Joe squealed as he ran up and jumped on top of Dan.

I will slaughter you Joe.

Dan seemed uncomfortable so I used my superhuman powers to pull Joe off him.

Yes I have powers.


"I hate you Phil." Joe said as he walked back over to Dan and began licking his elbow.

"B*tch!" I screamed as I lunged towards Joe.

Dan elbow is mine!!!!!

We wrestled for a while until Joe gave up.

"Uh hey?" Dan said as he walked out of the kitchen with a cup of tea.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Have fun?" He giggled.

"I always have fun." I sassed.

He walked over to me and booped my nose.

"Hey Dan, have you ever thought about having a family?" I asked.
"Yeah I have. I really want one child. A little boy or girl." He sighed

"What other genders are there?" I asked reffering to him saying 'a little boy or girl'.

"Alien." He said as he sipped his tea.

"Right I forgot that they invaded our planet and we have now been forced into hiding in an underground world." I said

Maybe Dan and I could have a baby together.

I mean we are just friends  *wink* but we could adopt.

Nahhh adoption is lame.

Besides that's where all the alien babies are.

Aliens aren't very good with kids.

"Phil?" Joe asked as he looked up at me.

"Yes?" I asked innocently

"I still hate you." He said before laying back down.

All of a sudden Dan began breathing very heavily.

"Dan!" I yelled

"Phil, my waters just broke. We are going to be father's." He said calmly.

Joe then drove us both to the hospital.

Dan was in labor for 13 hours before he gave birth to our beautiful baby girl.

Miranda, Miranda Sings.

"She's beautiful." I said as I held her.

"Oh I must hold her!" Joe squealed as he snatched her off me.

He then proceeded to inhale the baby.

Well adoption it is!

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