Chapter 1

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This was the last day of high school for Anne Semstren. She had been a transfer student from America, but was forced to move to England because her dad had gotten a job there. She started at this school at the starting year of grade 10, and had been attending ever since. She was now in grade 12, and she was graduating tomorrow. She was happy, yet sad at the same time. She liked school, but not the people in it... well, all except one that is. 

She continued to glance at the raven haired boy sitting a few seats across from her. She blushed, and was forced to look away whenever he glanced back at her. She payed attention to the simple things about him. The strange way he sat, for example. Everyone thought it was weird, but Anne thought it was adorable. She also liked the way he didn't care about what anyone thought. The other boys in the school were always making fun of him, but he only matched their skill with unflinching lodgic. What more could you say? He was a smarty pants. He also matched them in marshal arts too. 

Anne was sure that he had a six pack, but no one could really tell, because he always wore an over sized white long sleeved shirt. 

He had the most beautiful eyes too. They were jet black, like his hair. You could get lost in them so easily, they were like 2 black holes that once you got yourself in, you couldn't get out. They were mysterious, in a way. He always had a blank expression on his face, and his eyes were no different. But, they were beautiful to Anne, all the same. He had black bags under his eyes, as if he never got any sleep. But, maybe that was the case. Everyone else found it creepy, but it didn't intimidate Anne one bit. 

She had had a crush on him since the first day she came to the school. And they shared every class together, so she never got a time off from him. Except, when she had to go home. She always dreaded the moment when the bell would ring, and they all had to go home, and she wouldn't get to see him  until the next day. School went by too quickly for her. 

He walked home, she knew that because one time this year, she had followed him home. But, he didn't live in a house. He lived in an orphanage called Wammy's. It made Anne sad to think that he had no parents to care for him. Or, maybe he did, but they abandoned him when he was an infant, or maybe they had died when he was very young. Either way, Anne had always felt extremely lucky after that, to have such loving parents of her own. 

There were lots of kids that walked home the same way he did, but it was easy for her not to be spotted, because she blended into the crowd. She was a little short for her age, but not by much. But she didn't loose sight of him. She could always tell him apart from the rest, because his hair stuck out like a frenzy of feathers above his head and around his face. That's probably why he was so pale. Despite walking home in the sun light every day, his hair must help cover his face from the sun. 

He had this weird habbit of nibbling on his thumb when he was deep in thought. But, of coarse, Anne thought it was just the cutest thing in the world. But the cutest thing she had ever seen him do, was dramatically kill his food. She had seen him eat panda crackers, and crunch their necks, or bite their heads off. He also liked to squeze the jelly out of donuts before he ate them, and stab his fork into a strawberry repeatedly. He had quite the sweet tooth, and he always had treats at school. But, his favorite was cake. He just might eat it 24/7 if he could. 

Anne had fallen for his personality, his appearance had caught her off guard at first, but she had learned to love it. And all his quirky habbits had just been a bonus for her. 

But, his name. Oh, his name was the best part about him. It might just be Anne's favorite thing to say. His name, was L Lawliet. 

 Lawliet could see Anne out of the corner of his eye, glancing at him every now and again. When he decided to steal a quick look at her, she was already staring. Their eyes would meet, and she would quickly turn away, blushing. 

She had the most beautiful brown eyes he had ever seen. Much better than his jet black ones. They could be dark and mysterious, and then, they could be bright and sparkling. Lawliet's eyes, however, were always emotionless. But then, he could always find something beautiful about her, and curse himself for all the faults he had. 

He had had a crush on Anne since the very first day of 10th grade. But, he could never tell her this, because he wasn't really the type to fall in love, or be in a relationship for that matter. He had way too much to work for. He had to focus on his future, rather than girls.

Oh, but how beautiful she looked today. The last day of school. After that, he would never see her again. They would be parting ways. Besides, she would probably find someone better than him. He was certain that she liked him. After all, she was always staring at him in class. He tried his best not to look at her, but his eyes ended up on her anyway. 

The crazy thing was, despite him not being the type to fall in love, he thought that he might already have. He knew he had to let her go today, even though she was never really his. But, deep down in his heart, he knew that he never wanted to lose her. 

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