chapter 6-food fight

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the next day at school i saw jasey talking to a few people in our english class. why does she have to be dating the looser hemmings guy shes too good for him. like he doesnt even pay any attention in class and he only cares about his dumb band 5 years of winter or whatever....wait no it is called 5 seconds of spring, yea that sounds right but i couldnt give a crap. she so beutiful and positive, shes also a little, no alot anit-social but i like that.
*bell rings*
"finally lunch time im starving!" jasey said walking with me to our lockers

"hahaha! yea me too." i said grabbing my money for lunch and closing my locker as we walked to the lunch room jasey kept looking for luke, i hate that guy but jasey likes him so i might as well try to get along with him.


something was off today i didnt know what it was but it kept creeping into my mind, maybe it was that luke didnt text me this morning and i havent seen him all day or the fact that i think zac might be hitting on me either way it was annoying. finally i see luke walking over to zac and i.

"sorry i wasnt in homeroom my mum made me late. i got here hafway through second period." luke looked alittle upset about something. he looked like a lost puppy and a toddler who just finnished having a tantrum combined.

"what happned?" wait what zac is being civil with luke okay something is definetly going on

"oh ya know disgreement and crap like that....."


"okay guys what the heck is going on you hate each oher and dont try to deny it becasue you both told me about you hate each other."  they both just looked at each other looked back at me and back to each other.......then they burst out laughing.

"oh babe why does something have to be going on?" zac said

"excuse me what did you call her!?" oh no.......


"you a little crap head!"

"you dont give f**k about anyone but your self so dont give me that s**t!!!!" yelled zac. what is going on!!!! my face was in my palms then i felt something squishy hit me in the face...... i looked up only to see luke and zac having a full out food fight!!!!! i walked around trying to get of the line of fire. i look away for 2 seconds and look back seeing luke toppled over holding his crotch and clenching his jaw.

"zac! what did you do!" i yelled running over to luke to see if he was okay then 2 teachers come in to break up the fight and take the boys to  the principles office. i knew that if luke did something else that broke the rules he would be suspended, but it wasnt actually his fault. i mean i didnt think it was i didnt see who threw the food first.


the next thing  knew i fell to the floor with an aching pain next to my eye then a horrific pain in my crotch. what happend i couldnt focus. the next thing i remember was being pulled out of the cafteria and into the office.

"MR. HEMMINGS WHAT DID I TELL YOU JUST THREE WEEKS AGO!!!" yelled the principle he was yelling so loud im pretty sure the entire country could hear him.

"AND MR HAWTHORN YOU!!!!!" wow he is really mad he has  giant vein sticking out of his neck......

"mr hemmings i told you if you pulled another stunt i would have to suspend you and same to you mr hawthorn"

"but i didnt start it he is the one whos way overprotective!" yelled zac

"you called my girlfriend babe and threw mashed potatoes at me!"

"at least i dont play with dolls!" yelled zac

"WTF what are you talking about!!!"

"both of you stop! *clears throught* i have no choice but to suspend you both for one week effective immediately. i will call both your parents, now go get your things and come sraight back here. but luke go to the nurse and get checked out." this is so fricking stupid! i headed to the nurses office and ran into jasey.

"luke whats happening?"

"we got suspended........ god my parents are going to kill me." she had a sympehetic look on her face i had forgotten that my eye was bruised, swollen and bleeding.

"does it hurt....your eye?"

"oh um"

"luke please dont lie to me....."

"*sighs* yea it hurts like f**k..... you should be getting to class, if my mum doesnt ground me and take away my phone i will text you. i have you number memoried so even if she does when she is not home i can call you from the house phone."

"okay bye babe. i hope your okay..."

"ill be fine bye." i got check out by the nurse and went back to the office. after about 15 minutes sitting there my mum got here....

"LUCAS ROBERT HEMMINGS!!!" oh god.................

ohhhhhhhhhhh cliff hanger

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