A Dream, Right?

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Somewhere near the outskirts of the bustling London roads, built like a miniature castle with a brick structure, was an orphanage. The Happy Castle orphanage was its name. Though the inside was mostly white and smelled like chemicals from the constant cleaning needed, which reminded almost anyone of the inside of a hospital. Though, there was a touch of color from the arts and crafts time all kids were subjected to do, so many pictures, paintings, and home made trinkets decorated if not the halls, the rooms.

Happy Orphanage was equipped with a dinning hall, living room, wash room, library, laundry room, kitchen, and various other rooms (along with bedrooms which the kids have to share with more than 2 others) for extra. It also had a large grass area from the front to back and a few yards to its right, since the rest of the right side of the building was a wooded area.

And in the wooded area, despite the damp and cool feel, kneeled a frail, unsmiling boy. He was deep inside the maze of branches and leaves, light was minimal if not at all. He was from England, so the lack of light was no worry for the boy who was patting the damp earth with pale hands. A small twinkling light, the color of violets, came near the boy who stopped his actions and stared at the twinkling light curiously. It floated close to his hands only to float up to his face and near his nose. It lingered in that spot until it got close enough to kiss the tip his button nose.

The boy fell back with surprise but immediately giggled with childish joy. More twinkling lights came out and floated around the skinny figure of the boy. The twinkling lights talked to the boy. asking about his day or the game they should play today. They were his companions, his only real friends; not the backstabbing boys or girls in the orphanage, who only wanted friends to show the potential couples their social ability with others.

Plus... the twinkling lights knew the life the three-year-old boy had lived up until now, something the boy himself did not know. Being raised by a woman who looked similar to him in a grimy cabin in the woods somewhere until he was one and a half. She had worked herself to the bone, trying to plant their own food and only working part time as a cleaning lady. Unluckily for her, the cold was particular harsh that year so the crops failed. She made sure to leave the boy at the orphanage one night in hopes he would have a better life with another family who could provide for him. However, what the woman was not expecting, was for the boy, even though he was just baby, to fall into a depression of not eating enough. He ate like a bird, only pecking at bits and pieces of his food. The workers at the orphanage worried and at one point tried to force the food into him which he only regurgitated at the end in the bathroom, if he got there on time.

Since then, he had isolated himself and refrain from talking to anyone unless he absolutely needed to. He didn't care though, he had friends like the twinkling lights there for him. Like they always are, when he's happy, sad, angry, confused, etc. They will always be there, is what he thought.

But what he didn't know was that the twinkling lights would do for him, much more than he would have ever imagined.

Inside the orphanage, where the office was located right inside the entrance was a young couple. They were married for approximately 2 years in England and had decided to stay in the island country since then for work related issues as well as love of the island. The headmistress of the orphanage had gone over their credentials and was more than happy, if not overly joyous, that one of her fine children would go to such a nice, and not to mention, influential family.

" Then you would like to adopt a child here, correct, Mr. and Mrs. Honda?" The headmistress's English accent was thick.

" That is correct, my wife and I would like to adopt," Kiku said with small smile as he squeezed his wife's hand.

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