Character List!

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This will be more for me than you guys! (I added some more details to this but not a lot; spoilers may be here) :)


Alfred F. Jones: 5'10'' 3/4 (almost 11''); 16-year-old bispectacled boy; Sophmore; sandy-blonde, with a strange piece of hair sticking from the front of his hair/bangs (referred to as a cowlick); blue eyes; described as a glutton, energetic, messy, tan, clever, stubborn, and loveable, but scary when he gets mad.

Alfred is the biological little brother of Matthew Williams, and the little stepbrother of Arthur Kirkland. He is also the stepson of Isabella Cortez, Matthew's wife, hence he sees Matthew as more of a Father figure than a brother. He never really met his biological parents because they died in a plane accident when he was only a toddler, but he knows that from the stories and pictures Mattie shows him, he resembles his father and mother. He's also very attached to Arthur, and has been that way since they were little; however, his love for his brother has been seen to be teetering on the border between Storge and Agape (if not Eros)

He is a high school student at W.A. and is said to be the perfect representation of an All-American High School-er because of his loud attitude, physique, social ability, and athleticism. However, he seems to have an immense dislike towards Amelia and only tolerates Francis.

Arthur J. Kirkland: 5'7" 3/4; 17-year-old boy; Senior; wheat-haired boy, with large, prominent eyebrows; green eyes; described as stuck-up, short-tempered, cold (only to the students of the school), overly affectionate (towards Alfred),  smart, gentlemanly, feminine (by his family) and strange.

Arthur is the adopted son of Isabella Williams (formerly Honda), Kiku Honda, and Matthew Williams as well as the older stepbrother of Alfred. Although he is the adopted son of Kiku, he did not receive the last name of Honda, or Williams from Matthew, and that leaves him insecure at times. Still, he really loves Isabella and Kiku to the point where he said he would marry both of them when he was younger. He was also excited to hear that his adopted parents were planning on giving him a younger sibling once Kiku returned from a business trip; however, he will never get one after Kiku dies in a plane crash. That could explain why he babies Alfred, though he still adores him. At one point he was against the wedding between Isabella and Matthew, but had accepted it soon after and he loves Matthew like a son.

His best friends are Francis (reluctantly admits) and Kouki. He dislikes Ashling and he cares for Amelia. He is also described as being the perfect representation of a proud but mannerly British national.

Matthew Jones-Williams: 6'2"; Canadian: Wavy, blond shoulder-length hair with a strange curl sticking out; Blue-violet eyes; somewhat lighter skin; Use to be a hockey player in school; described as being shy, hardworking, incompetent (by Yao), sweet, beast, handsome, level-headed, and fatherly.

Matthew is Alfred's biological brother, Arthur's step-father, and Isabella's current husband. He was born in Canada; his mother conceived him while crossing the border to visit her parents. Having faced many hardships like losing his parents when he was still in university, raising his younger brother (with some help from his grandparents), almost losing the love of his life, and being told he is weak; have caused him to have an overly nervous, yet a (secretly) contradicting alpha male personality whenever his loved one's are involved in something. He has been holding on to a secret that could shatter his current family.

He's best friends with Gilbert and often takes his advice, no matter how bad.

Isabella William-Cortez (Isabella Honda-Cortez): 5'6" (when not wearing shoes); Mexican; Long, curly dark-brown hair; Brown eyes; Tan skin; Use to be a player; described as being kind, outgoing, childish, mild-mannered, dedicated, a player, sad, lovable, pretty, and motherly.

Isabella is Matthew's wife, Alfred's sister-in-law (technically), and Arthur's adopted mother. Despite being labeled as a "player,"; she's a very dedicated person to not only her friends but studies. Since the death of her husband and remarriage, Isabella has been very hesitant about things. Worries about her family and is still finding it hard to let go of her previous marriage.

Kiku Honda: Japanese man and Isabella's deceased husband.

Kouki: Arthur's close friend; a Japanese boy who is in charge of the Photography club. Is quite the mysterious individual who treats Arthur in a parental fashion if you think about it.

Francis Bonnefoy: French man the same age as Arthur and his best friend; his mom is a fashion designer; cares for Arthur as a friend.

Amelia Jonas: Junior that goes to the same school as Alfred and Arthur; Is a very attractive girl and very active in both cheer leading and the student council; likes to make Alfred jealous but really likes Arthur.

Elizabeta Hedervary: Isabella's best friend in school; Hungarian woman who was married to her high school sweetheart until recently; Is a manga author.

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Self proclaimed "Prussian" that worked at the same company as Matthew before he transferred; had an attraction towards Matthew and is the older brother of Ludwig despite him looking younger.

Ashling K. Donald: Matthew's editor; a young, gorgeous woman in her early twenties that is attracted to Matthew.

Yao Wang: Isabella's (ex) cousin-in-law and Kiku's eldest cousin; Chinese national that appears sweet yet strict; doesn't like Matthew; is protective of Arthur and Isabella; is the main person in charge of the family business; he is married to a Russian woman and has a child.

Thai: Thailand national; is one of the many people in charge of Wang-Ho while also being a part-time vet's assistant; was close to Kiku at one point; is fond of Arthur.

Joan Archer: School's nurse and of French lineage; Pessimistic and mature adult; Francis' first love.

Michelle: Student council member and cheerleader; dislikes the president for being mean all the time; cute student in the same grade as Alfred and may have a crush on him.

Ivan Braginsky: "Cweepy kid"; Football player; Alfred's close friend; thinks Arthur and Alfred are strange brothers; is afraid of his cousin?

Natalia Braginsky: Cheerleader (only to see her cousin play football); is extremely pretty according to all the guys but is found to be creepy because of her obsession for her cousin's affection.


Jones-William Family

Wang-Honda Family

Braginsky Family

Foster Family

Honda-Cortez-Kirkland Family

To be added

Feliciano Beilschmidt (Vargas): Italian and is in charge of advertising for a Wang-Ho company in Europe; is married to Ludwig.

Ludwig Beilschmidt: German that works for sales in a Wang-Ho company in Europe; is married to Feliciano.

Alice Clarksland: 19-year-old British national and Amelia's cousin.

Elizabeth Boleyn: 18-year-old British national.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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