What great friends, right?

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To those who read this, I'm sorry! I noticed that a crucial part of the story had been deleted and I had to re-type and post it! I'm sorry but there's just a little section left for you to read (if you want)! Again I'm sorry.

"Well... I will admit you've made an interesting story. It has a genre that is very widely read and such. However, regarding your plot and overall story it was... dull," the harsh words came out of the mouth of none other than the sweet Canadian known as Matthew Williams, and were directed to the overly nervous French student, Francis Bonnefoy.

"D-Dull?" An astonished Francis stuttered, he tried to make his voice come out as even as possible. He knew, there was no use crying over such a comment coming from the Canadian. After all, the path to being a writer was a hard one filled with struggles and rejections from people even higher than Matthew Jones. In the end, only emotionally strong survived from So now would be a good time to toughen his outer skin, even if he was practically destroying the ruffled hanky in his hands.

With a nod, the Canadian continued," It's too... how should I say... expected, seen before. You can obviously tell that the protagonist, one who has never really loved anyone before, is going to fall in love with the specific male you introduce, although I do like your choice of words used to describe the character. And your choice of locations and activities can be related to everyone and I'm sure a lot of readers would fall in love with the personality of the characters." Matthew mused after going over his red-written notes that were located all over the manuscript the French boy had given him.

"Then why did you say the story was dull?" Francis, with a hint of frustration in his voice, asked.

Matthew sighed. He scratched his head, careful not to hit his curl or undo his current low-pony tail. It was time like these that Matthew really hated his job; well, technically his old job. The Canadian started out volunteering at the publishing company at age sixteen for his mandatory volunteer hours in high school; delivering mail or getting snacks for the employees. The company workers liked his diligence that they offered him work during the weekends; delivering mail throughout the entire building, which he gladly accepted and worked even during college. And though, his main objective was to become a writer, he and the company found out that Matthew had a real knack for editing, much to his great dismay. Having never liked correcting papers even in high school, Matthew was torn between accepting an opportunity to earn more money plus having a third of his tuition paid for, and his dream to be a writer. He chose the more beneficial one, which did turn out to be more beneficial in the end. The Canadian worked with many writers that would always give him advice on writing and also the head publisher of the company, who would later recommend Matthew for a spot in the publishing branch after seeing how much talent the young man could contribute. Publishing was easy only when the writer wasn't involved.

Right now though, he was working with a child. A child who had talent as far as Matthew could tell, but his talent was being suppressed by something every author suffers from, consumerism," What made you want to write this type of story?" Matthew asked as a start.

Francis was quite confused with the question," 'What'.... I guess.... because the majority of readers like a plot with a female protagonist overcoming some type of problem and finding love along the way," He answered truthfully and proudly as he had done research about what types of stories are the most likely to sell on the internet from credited sights.

So that's it, Matthew sighed again,"Francis... As a former publisher I know how important it is for stories to sell in order for anyone to make a profit," he said while flipping through the pages of the story," But, as an author I can't predict the future and I honestly don't give a damn. Like many other authors, I write what I want to write without having to think of the public, yet. Not until your editor comes to harp on you about the "feelings of your fans," and- I'm sorry is this making any sense?" The Canadian stopped from his explanation once he noticed the French boy's furrowed brows.

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