Chapter 23: Resurrection

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            "What in the world is this.." Adrian said as he stepped back, shielding himself from the luminous light that I was indulged in. I felt my body revitalizing as I widened my eyes. The injuries that were imprinted on my skin minute ago were recovered as I felt my energy revitalizing itself. Adrian winced, cringing at the pain he felt as more of his blood gush out from the opening of his wound. The vampire backed away to an area where it was dark. If I was correct, they are weak against light is that not true? I remembered my uncle telling me that once.

           I was on my fours again as I stared at the moon. Once upon the blue moon. I recalled that my uncle told me about the tale where the blue moon happens every one thousand years when the next heir becomes the Alpha. The plasma-like substance, in blue and red color, continued to flow before I noticed that the blue one started to travel in my body. It began glowing against my fur as I looked at it. Like a marking, it imprinted all over my body. Then another glow came from my forehead,

           My eyes rolled up to see a very crimson-like color on it. I couldn't see what it was but I feel a sense of energy from it as well as heat. It glew blood red. I took a step back as I saw the my body was completely covered with this asymmetrical pattern. It was glowing blue.

              "Nn..." I heard my uncle groan as I glance at his direction. "G-Galen..the dagger..." he said. Adrian heard his voice too and immediately dash towards to the dagger. Something tells me that the dagger my uncle used to stab to the other was very crucial so before Adrian could even get near it, I blocked it. Adrian lunge forward with a punch. I winced and squeezed my eyes shut as I was ready to get attacked by the other. Suddenly when he did, there was an invisible barrier that separated between us.

            "!? What in the!?" I heard Adrian say flabbergasted as he widened his eyes. I was shocked too. However, Adrian continued to force his way, but the invisible barrier refuse to break for the other. Pissed at his motivation to try, I narrowed my eyes and exert the same amount of force back. Then Adrian began to slide back slightly. "C-Che.." He gritted his teeth, using his strength to push. I felt the force from him and my feet began to claw the floor, dragging it.

          "You're fucking annoying!" I growled before I headbutt towards him, pushing myself. Of course, my head didn't touch him but this invisible barrier that separated us acted like my backbone. It gave me the energy I needed and the strength that required to hurt the other. Adrian was blasted away from me as he crashed through the walls. "!!!..."

          Amazing. I never knew being the Alpha could obtain this much energy. Seeing that Adrian did not come out from the walls, I picked up the dagger with my mouth and headed over to my uncle. He was still down, but he wasn't unconscious. I nudged his arm with my muzzle, setting the dagger down.

          "G-Galen..." he called my name weakly. I winced, hoping that he wasn't dying any time soon. He lift his head up and with a gentle nudge, I helped him sit up. He took a deep breath and glanced at me. He enlarged his eyes. "My oh've finally became and show your Alpha form..." he said as his hands reached over to stroke my muzzle. I lean to his touch, nodding. "I never seen the Alpha transformation of the heir before and seeing this is just an honor.." He said bowing his head down.

           "No time for formality uncle. Tell me, and I know you know this, how do I kill Adrian?" I asked and he furrowed his brows, smacking my face. "!?"

           "That was very rude Galen! You listen to me when I speak to you, ack ack!" he coughed blood out. I gasped as he patted his chest. "I'm f-fine. Adrian's a lot more powerful than I anticipated..." he said. "But nonetheless, the blue moon decided to show up at the right time. It happens every once a thousand years. Sometimes the selected soon-to-be Alphas do not get the chance to have the blue moon supply them with the power. The immense power it carries is not necessary unless a peril situation. For you, it is very knows your fate." he said.

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