Chapter 13: Machination

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         “Hmph, this is ridiculous!” the young boy muttered loudly as he walked down the busy hallways of the school. His platinum blonde hair bounced against his shoulders for every step he took. His brows furrowed in an angry manner. Many other male students glanced at him, stunned by his beauty. He glared at them. “Fuck off!” He hissed and the male students were startled by his loud voice, looking away.

        “Even the pretty boy’s got an attitude..” one student murmured.
        “Better stay away from him for now..” said another.
        “He’s so cute when he’s not angry and fussy…”
        “But he’s still adorable...heh..”

        The young boy stopped as he heard those whispers flying around rapidly. He turned towards them and threw his hands up. “Stop talking about me before I have you all punished!” he snarled. Jumping, the students looked away, sealing their lips.

        “.....” Silence soon filled the air.

        “Huff..” exhaled the blonde boy as he made his way into the doctor’s office, opening the door. Fuming with frustration, the young boy entered as he slammed the door shut as the shelves trembled a bit. Papers flew, landing on the ground. Suddenly, another figure stopped working and rotated his chair and glanced at the other.

        “Watch it Lucas. Don’t come in here throwing a tantrum all the time.” he said, voice was threatening as he leered at the young boy. Lucas walked in as he bit his own lips in anger, stomping towards to a bed. He sat on the edge, balling his fists up angrily.

        “Tch.” he growled lowly, looking away. The doctor stopped as he got up, walking towards him. He placed both hands in the pockets of his lab coat as he wrapped a black stethoscope  around his neck.

        “Don’t give me an attitude.” the doctor ordered as he reached for a hair tie and grabbed his hair, tying it into a ponytail. He adjusted his glasses, pushing it up. Reaching for the cabinet beside the bed, he pulled out an inhaler and a packet of medicine. “Relax Lucas. Being angry can increase your stress level, thus increasing your chance of having asthma attack.” he said as he took off the cap of the inhaler, handing it to the boy.

        Snatching it, Lucas placed the opening in his mouth.

        “Give it to me.” he ordered in a stern voice and began to inhale the medicine from the plastic pipe. The doctor glanced at him before walking away to filled a glass of water. He popped several pills open and handed to the blonde boy.

        “Here.” he said. “Take your medicine.” He said. Lucas reached it and gulped the pills, followed by drinking the water. He finished the glass, chugging it down quickly.

        “Slow down.” the doctor said and suddenly Lucas choked on the water, coughing as he threw the glass on the bed.

        “Ack! Ack!” he coughed violently, the bellows were loud and coarse. The doctor rubbed his back, patting it to help ease his discomfort. Then, Lucas slapped his hand away as he narrowed his eyes. “D-Don’t touch me!” He ordered, coughing softly. The doctor looked at the other before he turned his head away.

        “Drop that nasty attitude.” he said as his eyes leered at the other. “Why are you so upset anyways? You do know that it’ll only do worse to you, right?” he asked as he turned towards to the other, slipping his hands back into the pockets.

        “Hmph, why do you care?” he retorted with an attitude as he looked at the doctor, noticing bandages around his neck. “And what about you? Why is your neck covered? Hickeys much?” he snickered and smirked. The doctor blushed a bit before narrowing his eyes, glaring at the other.

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