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Dear readers,

      First and foremost, I like to thank you for picking up this book and reading it. If you are not planning on reading it, then I thank you for taking the time to at least have interest in reading it. Without readers like you, I would not have found my motivation. You readers are what keeps me going to write so allow me to express my gratitude to you again. 

       Thank you.

       I am writing this page before the actual story because I've been getting a lot of confusion in the comments and in my messages. I want to write this to clear things up.

       Yes, if you think that this story is very similar to a manga you have read---or have felt that you've seen the same scenarios, you are not imagining things. You are correct. 

        This story was very heavily inspired by Takenaka Sei-sensei's work: Kohitsuji Project. I've read the manga a few years ago and was instantly  influenced by her wonderful work. So in a way, this story is a fan fiction. In no way, shape, or form do any of these ideas/plots belong to me. They respectfully belong to Takenaka Sei-sensei's. Only the first half of the book have very similar scenarios with the manga. The other half may still contain similarities, but it's not as much as the first half. 

       I do not want to spoil it for you, therefore I would like you to read and find what is similar and what is different. As I've mentioned before, all rights belong to Takenaka Sei-sensei. So, I asked that please, readers, refrain from commenting "isn't this from a manga/this is from a manga," or anything along those lines. The answer is yes, it is from a manga, more specifically, heavily inspired by a manga. I am trying my best not to be uptight and rude, but I feel it's a confusion that needs to be cleared.

       There is another thing I want to emphasize as well, and I've been seeing it in the comments (though you, as the reader, cannot). I tend to write angry-provoking situation and it makes readers very emotional to the point where they write profanity in the comments (not to me, but to the characters in the story). Watt pad's very strict on profanity in the comments and will block the comment, so I asked to do your best to resist the urge to write bad words in the comments. . In advance, I apologized if the characters make you mad or sad. 

      Please understand that I am not pointing fingers at specific users at all. I am writing this because there is a lot of users confused by the origin of the story. I've written a concise version on the description but it seems that the users are not reading it, therefore I must write this page. Again, thank you for taking the time to read this..I really appreciate it. So without further ado, please enjoy Blood Lust.



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