Chapter 4: Beginning of Hell

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The man in the cloak lead me to another building around the campus of Saint Vrykolakas. The design of the building was still the same as the entrance hall itself. I entered into the building, the interior framework was remained the same as well. This time, multiple yet tiny chandeliers hung from the ceiling; the walls and the floor was covered in maroon colored carpet. I held onto my guard, making sure the bodyguard in front of me didn't do anything stupid and dangerous within my presence.

Silence filled the air; perhaps all the attending students were already in class. We kept walking to the end. All the windows were covered with curtains, probably because the vampire race could not withstand the sunlight. After all, my uncle told me that light were one of their weaknesses. I held my bag close to me, the crystals upon the chandeliers dangled from the metallic handles.

All of a sudden, the bodyguard stopped and I paused in front of him. He turned around, eyes were hidden by the large hood. He stopped in front of a door, nothing so special about it. No large print, no symbols, no nothing. He opened the door and waited for me to enter. Anxiously, I walked in slowly, the room was larger than I expected. Velvet carpet filled the floor as a large window was placed beyond me. Golden curtains covered it down, dimming the room. Suddenly, I heard a clicking noise and the lights turned on.

I don't know what's with the school and the taste, but they sure love chandeliers a lot. The lights sparked on, crystal stones from the chandeliers hung down as it twinkled from refracting the lights. When I looked to the side, there was a large rectangular bed, the materials the pillows, sheets, and blankets were made with high class materials like silk. I stepped towards to the bed, touching it as my fingers traced the lining and threads of the blanket. I dropped my bag down, agape that the bed had thin veils that came with it.

It looked like a feminine bed. Then I stopped and turned towards to the other side, an enlarge painting of the school was display in front of my eyes. The art was magnificently beautiful, I was even breath taken by it. Besides the painting was the wardrobe.

"Are you done exploring?" the man's low voice made me jump. "Go in the wardrobe and get your uniform out. I don't have all day, little lamb." he said, addressing me as a bait. I bellowed lowly and opened the wardrobe. It was filled with the same outfit. I pulled a set out. The uniform looked distinctly different. The pants were plaid, blazer was black with the school's logo of a cross and a snake that wraps around it labeled on the right upper pocket. There was also a white collared shirt with a red tie.

"I need privacy." I told the bodyguard. He made no sounds and stepped out of the room quietly, closing the door. I closed the wardrobe and took off my clothes slowly as I began to put on the uniform. What a pathetic yet long day. I wonder how uncle is doing and I wonder if he knew about this whole situation.

I can no longer turn back.
Once I am here, there is no escape.
I felt cornered, forced to do the things I thought I would never ever end up doing.

Through the tunnel, I felt like I lost my uncle's scent. I can no longer track him. I could sit in this room and cry all day. I should've listened to my guts earlier before I rode the bus. Now it's too late to turn back. I fixed my tie, tucking it under the think blazer. I sighed as I brushed his hair down, trying to make myself look presentable. When I was done, stopped for a second and took out the necklace. Somehow, holding the fang made me feel more secure as if my mother and father were alive, comforting me. I don't know what this feeling was, but it was guard-like.

I opened the door and the bodyguard lowered his head.

"Follow me. I will show you to your classroom." he said as he began walking. I followed him, palms were beginning to sweat. I wiped them off on my pants. "Boy, the director had already made an announcement while you were in there changing. Everyone in the school, including the teachers and staffs as well as the students know your existence here.." he said lowly. I gulped down nervously, feeling my heartbeat increased rapidly. We walked out of the dorm and into the main campus of the school. When he opened the large door outside, the lounge was displayed in front of me.

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