My Ocean's Call

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Standing on the cliff's edge the ocean's waves crash against the rocky shore below.
The waves get higher and higher like they want to pull me into their watery arms.
There is only emptyness as the spray hits my senative wet cheeks.
I plead for the ocean to take me away.
Answering my call the wind picks up blowing my hair and long black jacket back.
I close my eyes and let the peace of the ocean carry my soul away.
I step closer to the edge almost there it whispers.
Emptyness fills every part of me.
The ocean roars as I take my time answering it's call.
I need the water like I need air to breath.
A hand grabs my wrist hard as another grabs a bunch of my hair and tugs me back against a hard body.
" Don't!" He tells me.
Tears are already leaking down my face.
The ocean roars louder and louder.
Waves crash against the rocks harder and harder.
He already knew my answer "Just don't" he whispers in my ear.
We are completely wet, and the winf is tearing at our clothes.
I can hear the fear in his voice.
I lean back against him and breath deeply as I fight off the urge to jump.
We stand there in a storm on a Oceans cliff jolding on for dear life.

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