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What made me want to come out of my house today of all days. I sign as I had a feeling to do so.
All this fog is going to get me killed. Driving my car slowly through it didn't help me see any better.
At the corner of my eye I see a figure dart out of the trees straight infront of my car.
She looks right at me knowing I won't stop in time. I know I wouldn't stop in time as I slam on the brakes.
Too late....BANG!
She hits the front bumper travels up towards the hood and flies right over the car.
I look in the rear view mirror as she makes contact with the hard road.
The sick sound of flesh sliding on the road will be forever haunting my dreams.
Bones crushing under her weight, the car finally stops as I'm already out the door.
She hasn't moved yet, and her back is towards me.
I can't see how bad the damage is, but I know it's not good.
My hands are already warming up. I know your not supposed to move the body, but I had too.
What was she doing out here?
I look at her face and it's a bloody mess. Flesh is torn off, and a cheekbone is showing.
My body starts to hum, enegry bouncing off me in waves.
My hands are hot now touching right above the once beatiful woman. I take a deep breath and mentality put up my barriers.
At once my healing power pours out of my hands. Instant fire starts at my hands than works it's way through my body.
Healing another always drives my towards insanity, I keep whispering "I accept my pain."
I look down once again amazed at how she looks.
I can see through her!
Her body is fading in and out like the fog and wind are trying to comfort her.
Trying to heal her.
Something happens and an explosion of light travels into the air like a beacon.
Than everything turns dark as my hands start to cool down. I try to get my breathing under control.
Suddenly I hear in the distances dogs and men shouting.
A sudden urge to leave over realms me following my instints I collect my patient and put her in the car.
As we speed off the fog clears only in head of us like it wants us to escape.

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