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I stand alone in a crowd of people.
The earth rolls underneath everyone's feet.
The worry on the faces that surround me would be funny any other time.
She is protesting against the huge whole in her garden, her grave garden.
As they lower the box of death, I can't control my emotions some slip through making a small roar underneath.
People leave as soon as the whole is buried, scaried of the very earth they live on.
One stays I stay as I stare at the tombstone.
A small earthquake starts spreading from under my feet to the surrounding garden.
No more tears fall from my eyes I stand there as the sunsets not even thinking.
The waiting earth rolls under my feet again as I slowly bend and get on my knees.
I press my hands in the ground and immediately she opens up taking my hands captive.
I close my eyes and her cries and I join with her.
My emotions out of control.
Rain starts pouring down, earthquakes happen faster and faster.
Between both of us I can't take much more it's too soon.
Screaming I throw my head back all the pain and suffering all the regrets, shock waves leave my body.
Huge walls of harden dirt, and rocks erupt from the wet ground all around her garden of sorrow.
My screams and cries join hers as I merge with her.
The first thing I notice through the pain is something is wrong.
She's taking over my body, I try to pull my hands out of the ground but they just won't budge.
As total choas happens around me hail starts to fall from the sky, and winds pick up.
Trying to ease her suffering she puts wind walls around me of clear protection.
Sirens in the background warn me of the danger to come.
"No" I whimper.
Telling her out loud and in my mind that innocent lives we can't take.
They deserve less for making me suffer, only you can help them by joining with me.
" Please don't do this." I beg and plead but it just doesn't help.
Bond yourself. She whispers in my mind.
I sing the bonding words softly as there is no way out of this.
I can never leave her or her me, our minds will be forever connected.
The last words are sung from my lips as a growl settles around us.
I roar before falling forward towards my earth, passing out right there in my garden of sorrow.

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