Music Guards My Heart

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I don't know how I got here tugging at my wrists I noticed a chain bolted to what looks like a stage.
At once I'm up pulling and tugging. My mind starts to panic not again.
I look down at all my black clothes from my tee to pants, boots and leather jacket. Nothing is in my pockets.
" Sing" A voice ordered me.
" No" I pulled on the chains again rattling it more and more.
" Sing or never be free again."
I hated her in that moment, she didn't know didn't understand that singing took a toll on me.
It gave others around me a sense of calm before my feeling and emotions were to much for the normal human to deal with.
Total chaos will happen not to the humans but to me as I watch once again what happens when I sing.
My freedom wasn't enough to make me sing for this evil woman.
She moved and at once I noticed a human girl, around both their necks were glowing blue necklaces.
There was fear all over the girls face and she just couldn't stop crying.
Looking at the evil woman I bare my fangs and hiss at her.
"Sing or I'll kill her." She said without remorse. I look at the girl one more time, a shocked lock is on her face now.
At least she stopped crying.
As the curtains rise up from the stage I turn towards them all those innocent people.
" You know what will happen to all these mortals?" I asked. I had to know if she knew what would happen.
"Yes I have a theory." Was all she said to me.
Taking a deep breath I find a beat in my head, I start tapping my foot as the music takes me over.
My voice comes out softly and barely there at first.
As I sing about my misery, my sorrow, my lonelyness; My voice starts to get louder and than my body moves with the music.
From a distances I see cheering but it can't reach the place I am in.
As I repeat my chorce, I get lost in the feeling. To save a innocent girl I don't even know I must sing my heart out for people I didn't know.
It will cost me everything.
Inside a dam is brokening the barrier to my heart is down as my emotions spill out into the crowd.
The last note is sung so high and long it leaves the girl knowing I might not be human.
Stompping my foot on the stage surrounds everyone in a fog. All those people are surround by fog.
The fog closes in a tight blanket around me as it fades back into me, I notice at once all the dead bodies.
More sorrow fills my heart as tears leak down my face. I turn to see the girl and evil woman still there.
Shocked I realize it must be the glowing necklaces. My sorrow fills me up and soon it covers my face.
I look towards the girl again and her face matches mine.
I lose hope as I hear the evil woman whisper " You will destory the world for me, place by place."

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