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Eridan Cosplay Item List:

-thin white candle for wand

-purple cape

-black wig

-arm sock thing/grey body paint

-fake glasses

-purple contacts

-purple cloth and fake gold chains=cape

-homemade/online Aquarius shirt

-black and blue pants

-blue and purple shoes

-get my damn braces off


John Cosplay Item List:


-fake glasses

-tan/white shorts

-blue contacts

-black belt (?)

-white shoes

-pogo hammer (if possible)

Sollux Cosplay Item List:

-wig (can possibly use john cosplay wig if i get one)


-red and blue glasses

-homemade or online Gemini short

-one white shoe

-one black shoe


-arm sock thing/grey body paint

-bee plushy (wtfn?)

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