John x color blind!Dave one shot thing that I can't bare to make a new book for

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"C'mon Dave, let's go!" John giggled, pulling on the sleeve of his fiance's hoodie. "Where the fuck are we going anyway?" Dave groaned. "A surprise!" John sang, dragging him out of the door. Dave rolled his candy red eyes, not taking to notice the backpack John was wearing. After they left the house, John and Dave walked to the park and sat down on the grass. "Eggerts, why the fuck are we here?" Dave asked, nudging John softly with his shoulder. "First of all, I'd like to say happy birthday to my beautiful fiance" John smiled, booping his nose. Dave just smiled a bit as John took out a small with cube with a red bow on it. "Jane made it. Your favorite!" The blue eyed boy grinned, giving the platinum blonde the box. Dave opened the it. "Red velvet?" He asked. John smiled his bucktooth smile and nodded. "Tell her I said thanks bro" Dave smiled softly, closing the box and setting it next to him. "But wait! I have something else!" John said, taking out a small bag and his camcorder. He gave the bag to Dave, who quirked an eyebrow at the shorter. "Open it!" John smiled. Dave shrugged and curiously opened the bag as John started recording. He was confused to find a case wrapped with, yet again, another red bow. Dave pulled on it, putting the piece of ribbon in the bag. He opened the case to find a pair of sunglasses, identical to the ones he was already wearing. "The hell?.. John, why'd you get me new sunglasses? You know I like the ones I have now-" He started, being cut off by the ebony hair dork. "Put them on!" John encouraged. Dave, still confused, took off his shades and put on the new pair. He dropped his original pair in shock but not say anything. Still recording, John giggled. Dave, still in shock, lifted them up and put them back. "J-John... You didn't.." "Oh yes I did!" Dave got up and looked around him. On the verge of tears, he ran up to a nearby rose bush and took one of the flowers off. Trembling, he returned to John who was recording Dave with joy. "I-I-It's pink? A-and that's g-green?" Dave asked, motioning first to the rose and then the grass. John nodded again. Dave let go of the rose and got down on his knees to pick some of the grass. "Oh my god.." He muttered. He looked back at John and gave him a hug, tears of joy streaming down his face. "You're eyes are beautiful..." Dave mumbled asJohn hugged back. "Isn't it great Davey?" John asked. He nodded and pulled away from the hug. "You have to take me to the flower shop. Now" Dave said, looking John straight in the eye. John nodded. They grabbed Dave's stuff and while walking to his sister's flower shop, John continued to record Dave as he marveled in wonder at the new colors that he normally couldn't see with his deuteranopia. As they entered the shop, John was greeted by Bequerel, Jade's dog, as Dave went off to look at the flowers. Jade came out from the back with a pot of daises, surprised to see her brother and his fiance in her shop. "Johnny! What brings you guys here?" She smiled at her twin. "I gave him his gift" John said simply. Jade grinned as Dave walked up to a bouquet of lavenders. "Is this purple?" He asked, taking one. "Yup!" Jade confirmed. "What the fuuu...." Dave trailed off, putting the flower back as the twins behind him giggled. "How did you get these? Aren't they supposed to be crazy expensive?" The blonde asked. "The Pyropes, the Vantas', Rose, Dirk, the Captors, Jane, Jake, pretty much all the teens in our neighbor pitched in about 10 dollars so we could get you a pair!" John said, listing a few names. "Even the Amporas and Meenah?" "Even the Amporas and Meenah." Dave continued to both name and ask for colors, either John or Jade confirming or explaining every time. John had recorded the whole thing, sending it to everyone they knew. Dave knew he couldn't be happier.

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