Harry has been reduced to a fat hobo.

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Harrys pov

2 weeks later

i had turned into a drunkee hobo. sometimes at night i would get visions of me and Zayn together sometimes i i even thought i saw him walking by me in the road with his girlfriend. no one would've recognized me now. i had grown my beard until my hips and my teeth had rapidly changed form sparkling white to golden yellow. some teeth were so rotten that they had turned black. i had 5 cavities on the top row of my teeth and my bottom row of teeth had started to decay so badly that i had decided to pull them out of my mouth with a wrench. my face was muddy and dirty and i had gained over 65 kgs since i left the mansion. i had walked into starbucks the other day and no girls were screaming over me anymore. i was nothing but a beat up old filthy douche potato bag. Just like Lewis has said.

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