The pickles.

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*pickles pov*

i was floating around in my pickle jar, minding my own buisness with my friends, timmy, Sam, and josh when suddenly we heard the loud boom of a humans steps.

"OH NO!" Timmy, the fat ugly pickle sad. Timmy was so annoying and he was stupid, and just took up all the space in the pickle jar. "the human is coming. he will pick one of us to eat!" he cried. he was always worrying about himself dying. i feel sorry for the human who has to eat his disgusting flesh. he's a slut too, he's always trying to date Same but Sam isnt gay. im not even sure if timmy is gay. 

"yeah and it will be you. because youre fat and people like fat pickles, am i right Sam?" Josh asked sam, jokingly. Josh was the chilled and laid back pickle. whenever the humans came to eat us he would always come up with plans to save us. he had black curly hair.

Sam was the surfer dude of the group. he would get his toothpick and ride some pickle juice waves while we watched. it was pretty fun and helped pass the time. "narly, dudes," he replied. 

the stomping sound came closer until the fridge door was open. Lewis was the man who had bought us at the store. he was obsessed with pickles but he told everyone he liked carrots so they didnt think he was a pickle freak. he rummaged through the fridge until his eyes laid on us. 

"mmm time for my hourly does of deliciousness," he said. then he licked his lips. 

he grabbed the jar and twisted the lid open. 

"noooooo," timmy screamed as Lewis's hand reached towards him. 

"Sam!  i need you,!!" he continued to scream. 

Same turned away guiltily. we all hugged each other as we heard the painful crunch of lewis biting into timmy.Lewis screwed the lid back on, put us back on the second shelf and shut the fridge. 

"It's alright Sam. you did what you needed to do," i said while patting his back.

"Thanks James," he muttered then he swam away .

"Give it some time, even though that slut aka timmy was super annoying... him and Sam were quite close,  i've got to admit. He did what would all save us in the end" Josh said to me.

"i know but it still seems wrong," i whispered. 

"Hey thats life," josh said. "get some sleep,he'll be back in an hour or so. lets hope he forgets and falls asleep. if he doesnt, then i love you bro," Josh mumbled as he swam away into his hut.

i sighed and lay down on the jar floor, thinking of the good times i had with Timmy. 

an: just so you know, these characters are pickles not humans lol. 

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