a new self

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harry styles pov

since i had become a hobo, there was really nothing to do so i picked up a few hobbies on the way. the hobbies were sewing and playing the trumpet. luckily i used these amazing skills to earn money. i sewed dresses out of material i found in the trash. but don't worry i usually wash them before i sew them. also i played my trumpet on the streets. that earned me about 500 dollars at the most. i had been saving up for 5 days and so far i have 2400$. it was enough to buy me a house here but i felt so at peace with nature. i felt like a true survivor. and to top it off i needed some survivor clothes. i quickly snatched 100 dollars from my money jar then stuffed it in my pocket and started my journey to the costume shop.

20 minutes later

i looked around and was amazed at all the costumes. princesses, gladiators, astronauts, builders, zombie costumes all ovee the place and then i saw the one i was lookign for. it was a jungle woman costume. i walked over to the shop persoin bursting with excitment.

"hi!" i said.

"hi how may i help you today?" he said. he was tall and scrawny and had a few hairs popping out of his chin

"you can help me find a costume like that please," i said, pointing to the jungle girl costume.

"are you sure sir, that one only comes in a girls version. we ran out of the male versions."

"100% positive," i answered.

"okay" he ssaid then he walked me to the costume rack. "what size?"

"hmm... extra small please," and before he could say 'are you sure??' i said, "and yes, im sure,"

"do you want to try it on?"


"ok right this way to the cash register then,"

he beeped the tag with that price beeper thing then said, "60 dolars pls,"

i gave him 65 and said, "keep the change,"

i winked and grabbed my costume, stripping right there in the store.

"oi!! what the hell! get out of here!"

"Hey! momma look at that fat hairy man! he's naked"

"close your eyes dear,"

"my eyes are basically scarred for life, hayley"

"sorry sir but no nudity in this store. we have changing rooms for your convenience."

"ffffffuuuuucccckkk yo9u" i replied to all the people talking about me then i sashayed out of the costume shop after knocking down a few rails and kicking people in the face.

To glam to give a damn (Harry styles)Where stories live. Discover now