Chapter 8

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A/N: Hey everybody! How y'all doin?

Sorry for taking long on this chapter, but I had to make sure it connected with how I want the rest to go.

Well I guess it's just me but I have been flipping out with the amount of reads the story has. I know most stories have thousands of reads, but 458 is a lot to me for my first story! Special thanks to everyone that has been reading this story. Now




These weekends go by too quickly, yet not quick enough. Everything I see reminds me of Mystery Girl. Even the simplest of things finds a way to connect itself with her, and brings her image to my mind. I havent layed a finger on my phone the entire weekend, scared that if I use it I will be compelled to message her. But I can't till the day I end things with Amber. And that day is today.

I have thought out the conversation millions of times, but it never comes out right (there are very few moments in life that actually do come out right). In those millions of times I thought it out, all of them end practically the same way. She either starts to cry or trys to rip my throat open and snap my aorta in two, I'm terrified of what she might do to me. I don't know how normal that sounds; a guy like me scared of a girl? If its normal or not, its true, because its not just any girl. It's Amber. If I'm scared or her or If I'm not this has to end. Today. I can't, I won't wait another day.

I feel the adrenaline pumping in my body, just as it did last Monday, when I told Amber I needed space. I made my way thru the crowd of students to my original meeting spot with Amber. She was there with Kristin again. This feels like deja vu, except this time she seems genuinely pleased to see me. She left Kristin and ran towards me wrapping her arms around my neck. I need to do this now.

"Hey Babe" she looked at me with a smile on her face and sparkles in her eyes. Amber leaned in to kiss me, but I turned my face. Her lips landed on my cheek, my skin sizzled as if the touch of her lips was burning through my skin like acid. Amber pulled away; the sparkles in her eyes now replaced by anger, but she didn't say a word.

"Let's talk" she nodded in agreement and hope appeared on her face. Amber walked closely behind me to reach the school's pavilion, that is usually empty at this time, giving us the privacy we need. I could hear her small steps trailing behind me until they suddenly stopped. I turned to face a hopeful Amber that now stood in the middle of the pavilion facing me. Now would be the best time to say something.

I opened my mouth, but words wouldn't come out. The passage from my thoughts to my mouth seemed blocked. "So we are back together, right?" Amber left this sentence lingering in the air for me to process, without speaking another word. These few simple words activated all my thoughts. This one sentence that slipped out of Amber's mouth gave the words running through my mind the impulse they needed to push thru the imaginary blockade and reaching my mouth. At first there wasn't a single word that came to mind that could describe what I needed to tell Amber, now I just can't choose which words sound better.

"That's what we need to talk about" I grabbed both of Amber's petite hands in mine. "Amber..." I looked directly into her deep hazel eyes, making sure she understood the seriousness on the situation. "I think its time we break up." Feeling these words roll off my tongue, I knew this was a long time coming. "I don't think we are working out ... we shouldn't keep pretending that things are going great when we both know ... they aren't." Silence encircled us from Amber's lack of input to the conversation. She turned her face to break out eye contact before she said anything. "This will be the one chance I will give you to take it back." I don't need to take this back; we aren't compatible anymore, simple as that. "I'm sorry Amber, we just don't fit together like we used to." She loosened the grip she had on my hands and I let go of her. Amber walked back to her bag without looking back at me or saying anything. To my suprise, she didn't pick up her bag and leave; she began to scury thru her bag looking for something. Leaving me completely confused.

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