Chapter 10

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I know I haven't updated in a while so here's Chapter 10 for who ever is still reading this book



Delilah's POV

I. Cannot. Stand. Him. We need to do this project as soon as possible. The sooner we finish, the sooner I never have talk to him again.

Emma decided tonight was going to be 'girls night'. At my house. Since she couldn't get a single word out of me the entire car ride, she'll probably spend the night trying to get details. Why I hate Derek? What happened when she left? If I slapped him silly? All questions, Emma is going to fight to get the answer to.

"Mom, I'm home!" I know most of you probably thought that I yelled that into my house, but you're wrong . . . Emma did. Seeing that we have been friends since a young age, she has grown a special bond with my family, as I have with hers. "Emma, mom isn't here. She's working today." My mother is a nurse at our local hospital, so she is scheduled to work 12 hours a day/ 3 days a week. Thanks to the fact that she is the best nurse in the entire hospital they usually keep her about 4 more hours than she is scheduled for. "Where's Dad?" Emma then asked. Where is Dad? My dad is a mechanic. He fixes boats of all shapes and sizes. But he should be home by now.

Emma and I walks into my empty home and tried contemplating a plan on what we should do. "I'll go up to your room and pick a movie, and you'll get us some snacks, ok? Okay." Well then, I guess I'm getting the snacks. I walked into the kitchen and found a note on the counter from Dad.

Went to the marina to work on a boat be back late. I took your brother with me. Let your mom know when she gets home.

- Love, Dad

So that's where Dad went, and yes, I have a younger brother. His name is Zac and he is 12. We are 5 years apart. Now enough about my family, I need food. I am starving! If I don't eat something soon I just might eat Emma. Just kidding. She probably tastes bad. Yuck! Cannibalism is frowned upon!

I opened the fridge, nothing. The cabinets, nada. But when I opened my freezer I found heaven in a carton. Emma and I's favorite ice cream. Eddy's Rocky road ice cream . Hallelujah! I stood there drooling over the four cartons of perfection in my freezer.

I must have been standing there longer than I thought because Emma came looking for me. "Delilah, what's taking so long? The movie is-" her jaw hit the ground when she saw what was keeping me from going up stairs. "OH. MY. GOD. " were the only words that she managed to say.

We both grabbed a carton of ice cream, a spoon, and climbed up the stairs to my room. Emma and I stormed inside my room and leaped on my bed. Emma grabbed my Wii remote off the night stand next to her and pressed play on the movie. Thank you so much to the creator of Netflix. . . And rocky road ice cream.

My best friend and I sat comfortably on my bed with our mouthes filled with ice cream enjoying the amazing movie 'Charlie's Angels'.

* LED ALERT* * Buzz Buzz*

EMMA! "Please tell your man that its girls night" she stuck her tongue out at me and quickly grabbed her phone. The smile that had formed on Emma's face vanished and she said " that wasn't my phone" obviously disappointed. Was that my phone? Well it had to be, there only two cellular devices present in this room and we already know it wasn't Emma's.

Who could it be? What terrible person could be interrupting the movie? I slowly reached for my phone from the night stand next to me. My phone lit up in my hand and the badge for kik was on a banner displayed on my lock screen.

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