Chapter 1:The Basketball Team

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A/N:Heys Everyone welcome to my new story I hope you all will enjoy (Here's a little information on Koshi

He is quiet, playful, interested in basketball, (his appearance is the pic above except the tail and ears) he is fast well etc. (I can't think of much right now lol)

I sat in class listening as the teacher babbled on and on about stuff I let out a slight yawn and he turned towards me "Do you have something to say Mr.Tetsuya?"

I was shocked a little than it immediately went away "no I have nothing say." than I started staring at the clock hoping class would be over by now

I guess staring at the clock made time go by faster I silently cheered under my breath because class was over I than grabbed my light blue backpack and walked out class

Than I remembered something "Darn I forgot I need to stop by the gym and meet onee-chan there"I than started to run towards the gymnasium and put on my hood

When I was at the entrance I saw a puppy there and he immediately barked at me "Oh hey number 2" I picked him up and walked into the gym with number 2 "Looks you even have your on jer-" I was cut off by a red haired male way larger than me

"Oh no the dog is in here again but more importantly who is that?" everyone in the room than looked at me I took off my hood and they were shocked and looked at me "k-kuroko is that your brother?" The red haired male asked "Yeah that's Koshi kagami-kun" Kuroko said with still no expression as always.

"It wouldn't kill you to call me little brother sometimes onee-chan" I pouted and crossed my arms. The coach squeled "He is so adorable just like number 2,wait I have an idea" she grabbed me and dragged me into the other room.

After a few minutes of being in the room I came out wearing a different jacket with the label seirin and 11 with shorts identical to their uniform. "Apparently I will be coming to watch you practice and spectate your games now" I said scratching my head "well fine with me"I said and shrugged

Than everyone came up too me and started introducing themselves too me Except kagami I walked over to him while he wasn't paying attention and I poked his arm he looked at me and almost fell over because of my random appearnce

"Why you little squirt!"he picked me up by my jacket I looked at him and pinched his arm and he dropped me "why are you mad?" I said with a questioning face "I am not mad" "ya sure cause it looked like steam is coming from your body."I said and chuckled

"Well I guess I'll have to get used  to you being here but whatever I can deal"I held the puppy in my arms again "ok" than kagami ran I sighed and rubbed my head "well I'll get used to it too I guess"


A/N:That's all for chapter 1 everyone hope you enjoyed "ψ(`∇')ψ

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