Chapter 3:I'm Apart Of The Team, How?!

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As Kagami-kun and I were walking to school, completely leaving Koshi behind. I look back at see a figure charging towards me.

The figure was Koshi, he was charging directly at me then tackles me. "How dare you leave me behind! You didn't even bother to wait."

"But you were moving too slow." Koshi then glares at me and sits on me. "Welp, looks like were both gonna be late. 'Cause I don't really care about to class on time."

"But what about me? I wanna get to class."
"Well too bad shouldn't have left me."

"Kagami-kun, help." I say.

"Help him and get knocked to another dimension?"

"No." He says strictly to me.

I look up at Koshi, looking he just committed the best crime of all time. He quickly gets up and jumps onto Kagami's back.

"Take me to my destination, red head!" He commands.

Clearly on Kagami's face he wants to just throw poor Ko-Ko into the lake.

Instead surprisingly, he follows the command and keeps walking.

"I can't believe they are considering letting you join the team. A twerp like you, will get crushed easily." He says with annoyance.

Wait, did he say letting me join the team..the confusion starts now.

"Oh please, I won the basketball game fair and square skrub. So please, shut your mouth red head." Kagami growled at me and we all started walking to our school, Seirin bleh bleh.


As we enter the gymnasium, I quickly set down my backpack. As I open the sealed bag, #2 quickly pops his head out and barks at me.

"Happy to see me, again?" He barked happily and licked my cheek which made me giggle.

The rest of the team comes out in their training outfits. "Well aren't you gonna change too?"

Wait what now I'm super   confused now. "I'm not apart of the team though."

"Starting now, You officially a teammate." Kuroko says.

"You may not play in a game, but your still with us."



I hope you all enjoyed, if so leave a vote,comment, or share. See ya next time.

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