Chapter 6

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Lol, I couldn't think of a title name. So this chapter just won't have a name to it. (Sorry for the super late update guys.)

Kuroko Tetsuya

Now that Koshi's back on the bench. I guess it's up to me to do the best I can to support Seirin.

He was able to gather up a ton of points for us, but not enough. We were still behind on a a lot of points.

But that was when everybody starts to pick up their game. I've been misdirecting the ball left and right. We're racking up points with out failing, maybe a few times.

But about now I am starting to get tired. But then the tables turned, I tried making sure Kise wasn't able to get through. But I got a severe head injury and had to sit out to recover.

"Kuro-kun are you alright?" Koshi asked while poking me.

"Yes." I simply replied. "You know you can be boring sometimes right? Could've said 'Yeah I'm alright, don't worry about me.' " I stared blankly at him keeping the same expression as always.

"We need Kuroko, without him we don't stand a chance." Koshi stared down at me and gave me that look, the you know what you need to do look. He was right, I couldn't just sit down and let down Seirin.

I got up ignoring the pain on my forehead, and walked onto the gym floor.

Everyone looked at me in shock, "Kuro-kun?!"

I looked over at Koshi to see him noding at me with a smile played across his face.

yeah yeah, I know suddenly returning with a update then making it short as ever. But once again sorry for updating to so late. I'm busy with all these stupid test coming up. Literally almost back to back.

But I hope you all enjoyed, if so vote or comment, even share to gain in some more Kuroko's Basketball fans. See ya in the next chapter.

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