Chapter 2:Is He Good Enough To Join?

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Sorry for all the late updates lately. Very very busy, (Even though you are probably done putting up with my bullshit.) This time I'm up and ready.


Koshi's P.O.V

As usual ya know, just sitting on the bench watching as the guys ran from one side of the court to the other. "This is soooo boring." I complained.

"When can I get some play time?" I asked and looked over at the coach. "Well you can go over on the court too, I thought you knew that?"

I closed my eyes and than opened them, so that my crystal blue eyes were making eye contact with the coach. "I never knew that!" I exclaimed with anger in my voice.

"Now that I do know this," I said grabbing a ball and bounced it while walking over to the court. "It's time to show these teens how to get rekt (Lol) by a kid."

The red headed jerk looked over at me, yes I called Kagami a "jerk" I'm not afraid of him. He sent a glare at me as I walked over. "Why are you over here, twerp?"

"First of all, i'm not a twerp, jerk. Second of all, shush before I get Number 2 on you, at least I'm not the one afraid of a puppy." I said sending an evil glare back at him.

"So anyways, the reason I came over here is because I wanna see who can make a basket/dunk and whatever else you wanna do first. Oh and I recommend not using kuro-kun because he'll be your down fall in this match."

Everyone looked at me confused. But Tetsu knew well that if me and him were in a match against each other. All hell would break loose. Well one is because he knew how good I was and how much I practice and because I know all his moves.

"He's right" Kuroko said appearing next to me, scaring everyone in front of us. Me and him were better working together than against each other, let's just say if we make eye contact I'm gonna become faster than usual and no one would be able to keep up.

They all looked at each other and agreed to go against me and kuro-kun. "But if he's on your team won't that be your down fall?" Someone from the team asked.

I shook my head. "Nope, but let's just get this started." I bounced the ball up and down and started running towards them.

They really think if they try and defend they'll win this. Hah don't make me laugh. I bounced the ball over to Kuroko and he misdirected it to my location.

But the time the opponent team even blinked I was already past their defense, they thought I was still there but I wasn't. Its called.. well I haven't thought of name yet. But pretty much it looks like clone of me but I'm already past that point and it confuses the opponent.

I made eye contact with Kuroko and my eyes gleamed a light blue, I zoomed past the others and dunked the ball in the basket.

"Boom, heh we win." I said giving Tetsu a high five. "Don't mess with the Tetsuya Brothers." I said looking at Kuroko than over at the confused players.

Now to reclaim my spot as king of the bench I thought, sitting back down. "That was fun, but now I'm tired." Oh and by the way using that move makes me very tired, so that's it for me.


Finally now that this is out of the way. I don't have to worry about people wondering where the next chapter might be. But well here it is, and uh make sure to vote and comment if you enjoyed.

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