Chapter 2

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I hadn’t managed to fully pack my bag before I heard the screaming and thumping coming from downstairs. I ran to the banister and leaned over, searching for the source of the commotion. I flung my hand over my mouth to stop the screens as my eyes focused on Amile, hanging onto my dad’s neck. My daddy. Our daddy. My mother was in hysterics, I couldn’t look anymore. We had to leave, no time for goodbyes. I ran back to the small boy lingering in my doorframe.


“We have to go Alex, on an adventure, ok?”


He stared at me, eyes glistening with tears. He was scared. I pulled him into a tight hug and picked him up. Grabbing our bags I headed quickly down the stairs and out towards the back door. I fumbled with the door handle until it finally swung open. I turned round and whispered “I love you” to the family that we were about to leave.






We ran, I didn’t know where, but we weren’t going to stop. Not once did I turn around to see what lay behind me. We ran down the once pretty little street that I first learnt to ride my bike down. It stung me inside to see it littered with panicked people and gnawed limbs. We ran past the crowds of people, down to the secluded edge of the town. But something was wrong, I knew it. I felt the tension in my arm, Alex had stopped. I turned to face him.


“Why have you stopped? We’ve got to keep going Alex!”


“But…they’re looking at us” he whispered, pointing his finger out towards the small alley that lay in front of us.


I froze. I had no clue what to do. I bent down towards Alex, “When I say, you’re going to run down the lane on the right ok? I want you to keep going, no matter what. You’re going to go over the bridge and then hide until I come get you, alright?”


He nodded and I took my position, ready to distract them. He’d have enough time to get away.


I picked up a large stone off the road and held onto it tightly.


“Go Alex, go!” I shouted.


He shot off to the right as I threw the rock towards the group of things. I sprinted to the left shouting as I went. I had to make as much noise as possible. I turned round. They were following me, not Alex. I kept running, my feet turning like pistons. I veered off down a side street to the right, sprinting across towards the sweet shop I used to visit after school. I then flew through the town park, passing a few more of those things. I was losing them but I was frightened. I had to get back to Alex, what would he do without me? I quickly took a left and headed back towards the main street, I could get to him easily from there. As I approached the main street it seemed clear. I stopped cautiously for a breath, scanning the whole area inch by inch. They weren’t here.


I slowly jogged towards the little bridge that crossed the small river we used to play in every summer. It really was picture perfect, the ageing stonework reflecting in the crystal clear flow of water that sparkled like a million little diamonds. I emerged into the large meadow surrounded by large oak trees. I looked but I couldn’t see his small frame.


“Alex?” I called softly. No answer


“Alex!” I shouted. No answer. My heart began to race and my breathing quickened. Where was he? What awful thing had I let happen to him? My eyes began to water as I searched frantically through the tall blades of grass that made my skin itch. Where was he?


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