Chapter 3

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A.N- sorry if this is a bit boring, but the story will get going soon...i think xD it's kinda hard to think of ideas huh :P




I slumped down onto the ground below me, I’d lost him. We’d been out of the house a mere hour and I’d lost him. How could I do such a thing to him? I began to cry, the tears falling steadily onto the mucky brown soil at my feet. What if he was like them? Or worse, what if he was lying around the place in tiny little shreds all because of me.  I lifted my head up to the sun, its warmth surging into my body. And then I heard it.


“Girl…miss…come here” came a faint whisper from my right.


I looked up and squinted. There was a man, an older man standing beside a shabby looking house. He waved to me, beckoning me to come towards him. I frowned, was that really a good idea? I mean, I didn’t know who he was and I didn’t know what was in that house. But what else could I do?


I slowly stood up, my legs shaking beneath me. I stumbled towards him, my eyes puffy from all my crying. I must’ve looked like one of them.


“You one of them girly?” he called out to me.


“N…no sir” I shook my head.


I reached the old man and took in his features. He’d been handsome once. He had warm hazel eyes and a kind face, covered in little wrinkles that gave him that grandpa-like charm. He was tall, and sturdy looking too. He smiled at me.


“That your little brother we picked up before girly?”


I burst into tears as relief flooded into my veins.


“You…you mean Alex?” I sobbed.


“Aye, that be the one.” He smiled and helped me inside the old house.




I’d been greeted by an elderly woman, with silvery short hair and glistening sea blue eyes. She was short but she had an elegant air around her.


“Oh honey, don’t cry, we got him and you’re all okay now.” She soothed.


I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t stop. The tears were gushing out.


“I’m Annie and that’s my husband Iain.”


I stared at them both, the couple who acted as if nothing bad had ever happened at all. But they knew about what was out there, after all, they’d said I was safe.


And then I saw him. His little brown curls and that innocent face, poking out from behind the door.


“Oh Alex” I said as he came shooting towards me, clinging onto my leg, “I’m so sorry Alex, I didn’t mean to leave you like that.”


“I forgive Kitty” he smiled up at me.


I smiled back, cradling him in my arms. We were together again, and nothing would break us apart ever again.


“Quite a cutie you got there” Annie chirped.


“Actually, he’s a little devil” I told Annie.


Alex gasped and poked me in the belly, “you liar Kitty, I’m a good boy, you always tell me!”


I laughed at his outburst but I was soon frowning again.


“How come you too are so calm about the whole thing, outside I mean?” I questioned Annie and Iain.


“Aint no point being upset bout it now is there” Iain said, “better to keep a good attitude on things.”


I smiled. These were good people, I knew it.




And that’s how I got to be here. Sat in a dingy dark room that seemed to swallow me up, staring at them through the crack in the boarded up window. It had been 3 days since I got here, and every day they got closer.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2011 ⏰

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