Chapter 1

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The alarm clock blared loudly throughout the darkly lit room of a Thursday morning. 'Nine in the afternoon' played as the mass of sheets and blankets rolled around on the bed, stirring from the music that woke them up. It was august and the first day of a new school year. The being that was sleeping soundly moaned from beneath the covers, pushing it off and over his head before groggily wiping at his eyes. He sat up in bed and yawned, stretching his arms up and above his head before glaring at his device that played his music. Reaching over to turn it off, he grumbled a few insults, and angrily turned it off, or at least he thought. He had accidentally hit snooze in his struggle and glared more, too groggy to try and fix it.

He stood up and scratched his belly softly, his [E/C] scanning the room for clothes that he laid out the day before. He made his way to the desk and picked up a pair of blue straight leg jeans and laid them over his shoulder, along with a grey long sleeve shirt and green short sleeve shirt with the triforce on it. He then proceeded to drag his feet in the direction of his bathroom and pushed at the door, hoping it would open on its own if he just gently brushed his fingers over the nob.

He soon gave up at the task and clawed at it angrily, still hoping it would magically open. Just then, his older brother walked past and stared at him silently with a smirk on his face before tapping at his shoulder. "Yo [F/N], need any help?"

He continued glaring at the door angrily before answering with a tired "no thank you"

He rolled his eyes and pushed [F/N] out of the way before popping open the door. "There ya go little brother."

He mumbled a thank you and walked in, slamming the door into his face. He then set his clothes on the floor and began to wash his face in the sink before looking at his reflection. He had medium length choppy [H/C] hair and big [E/C] eyes. His skin was smooth and [S/T] with not very much blemishes. He was pretty lucky to have his mothers clear skin that didn't produce much pimples. His luck had prevented him from having any what so ever.

He glared at his reflection and stuck his tongue out before nodding his head in approval. 'Today will be okay along with this year... Everything will go as it always has, you have nothing to worry about [F/N]' he thought as he got dressed and ready for school.

[F/N] wasn't popular but he wasn't a loner either. He had a boyfriend, Eridan, and he hung out with anyone who was willing to talk to him. He considered himself to be acquainted with his boyfriends best friend, or as his species called it, moirail, Feferi, despite her calling him a friend of hers. She was okay, though her puns slightly annoyed [F/N]. He was in the honors and a lot of people knew who he was, he just didn't know them. He did have one problem and that was his fear that his friends would turn on him or even leave him. He didn't want to be alone.

He made his way downstairs, gently patting his belly and carefully making his way, as he thought about what would be for breakfast. The smell of bacon and freshly cut fruit filled his nostrils.

"Mmmmmm that smells good." [F/N] exclaimed before lazily plopping himself down in the chair. His father smiled at him and placed a plate in front of him. "You always say that. Are you sure you aren't just saying that to make me happy?"

"No, if I was trying to make you happy I would have complimented your taste in clothing."

"Oh, that wasn't nice [F/N]" his father said, narrowing his eyes with a smile.

"Whatever dad. You look like a peacock." And it was true. His father was wearing a green and blue shirt with tie die pants, orange socks, a blue cap, and royal blue crocks. His father looked ridiculous but god was he a master golfer. He played in the most outrages get ups just to prove a point to other golfers at the country club: Your class doesn't make you a good golfer but your skill.

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