Chapter 10

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Preparations were completed two hours after [F/N] had contacted Karkat to request that he came over.

The conversation proceeded like so;

"Hey Karkat! Are you busy?"

He heard a sigh on the other line and a gruff "what the fuck do you want?"

"Jeesh Karkat, answer my question first."

"Why does it matter if I'm busy or not? Do you need anything?"




"..." there was a long silence, [F/N] however swore he could here muffled giggling on the other line and a low honk.

"What do you want F/N]? " He asked roughly, the sound of humor still staining his voice.

"First, you keep answering my questions with questions, second I was wondering if you wanted to come over but you're probably busy getting down with the clown so-"

"Yeah, I'll come over, what time?"

[F/N] smiled and chuckled, wishing the other could see how happy his response made him. "Two maybe three hours? I'll see you here, bye"

"Bye fuckass."

It wasn't difficult to prepare or anything since his dad was out if town for the week, business reasons, and his brother was at a friend's, so he had the whole house to himself.

He decided to make steak and a side of green beans and rice before making homemade apple pie, [F/N] mother having him learned how to at a young age and because it's easy to find recipes online.

He also bought a selection of romantic comedy classics he knew Karkat would like; Ten things I hate about you, How to loose a guy in ten days, and even the wedding singer.

Now [F/N] sat patiently on the couch, texting friends and scrolling through Tumblr. He eventually started watching awful videos on YouTube because that was as eventful as most teenagers life now a days.

When he heard the knock on the door, he jumped from his seat excitedly and flung his phone, it landing comfortably on a pillow (sheer skill and luck) and ran to the door, almost tripping over carpet obstacles like chandelier rugs.

Karkat truly wad on the other side and he looked casual but beautiful as always. [F/N] chuckled and looked him up and down, studying his outfit.

He wore simple grey straight leg jeans and a black band merch pullover. His black messy hair swirled around and framed his grey face perfectly, narrowed shaded eyes looking up at him nervously. His lips looked soft, he obviously having worn chapstick, probably expecting more smooching time with the human.

"Are we just going to stand here all day staring at each other or are you going to let me in?" his voice was husky, his usual crimson speckled grey eyes hooded.

"Oh, right, of course, come in! I made some dinner." [F/N] chimed, taking the trolls hand into his own and leading him to the kitchen table that had already been set up.

Karkat blushed darkly and sat at his seat, [F/N] having pulled the chair out and pushed it back in once seated. He then took his place at the table and the two dug in, conversation to a minimum.

It wasn't an awkward silence, the both enjoying the company of one another even without small talk. Karkat hummed in appreciation at the food, complimenting [F/N].

"So,why the fuck did you make this?"

"No reasons." [F/N] responded, watching the other eat his second helping of pie.

"There has to be one, you poisoned it didn't you. I bet you plan to get me loopy and have your way with me you filthy piece of excess waste." His words were muffled, talking while he had his face stuffed.

He rolled his eyes and reached a hand out, brushing a strand of hair out of his face and tucking it behind his ear, the troll flushing beat red. "It doesn't matter right now, just enjoy yourself."

After the food, the two ‎of them went ahead and started the movies, Karkat curled up into [F/N] s side half way through the first one. [F/N] knew that nothing about this was considered something a black partner would do, and knowing Karkat he figured the other knew as well but dude care, this had to have been some proof that Karkat wasn't going to reject him any.

He finally made his move when the movie ended.

"Hey, Karkat, uhm... I think we need to talk about something."

Karkat pulled back from the human quickly, eyes wide and on him. "You're breaking up with me aren't you? You found out didn't you. Oh fucking fabulous. I know I don't treat you like a kismesis but I did try okay. I went ahead and lied about my interest in you just to date you even though I fucking knew about Eridan and now you know how much of a pathetic idiot I am and-"

[F/N] couldn't help but to cut him off, lips pressing into the others as he clutched the collar of his shirt in his hands. Karkat melted into the kiss, leaning in and kissing him back with equal amount of passion. Karkats hands roamed over his back and moaned into the humans mouth, [F/N] hand grazing up slowly to cup his cheek while the other hand slowly made its way to his shoulder.

When the two pulled back for air, Karkat gave the other an odd look of confusion.

"I broke up with Eridan today so I could be with you." [F/N] muttered against his lips, panting for oxygen.

"Smooth asshole. Thanks for dinner." Karkat grumbled, lips attacking the other once more.

[F/N] licked along the trolls lips before pulling away once more. "Does this mean I get some vantass?"

Karkat growled against his lips seductively, nipping at [F/N] and purring. "Come and fucking take it."

"Yes sir." Was all the human responded with before feverishly kissing him once more, pinning the troll to the couch. ‎

Ten things i hate about you [male!reader x karkat]Where stories live. Discover now