Chapter 3

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Homecoming was right around the corner and so was the party planned later that night. [F/N] sat silently in mr. Noirs class barely listening to him threaten to stab another student. This was probably the sixth time so far since school started and he'd already stabbed on of them. Based on karkats reactions to him he must of had encountered the crazy guy before. One odd thing that rattled [F/N]s brain was why this guy hadn't been fired. He came to school every day in an all black get up with a scarf around his neck and a scar down his eye. He had a resting bitch face and an Italian accent, obviously he was in the mafia or something, and he was an enigma for sure. The school itself was he thought, trying to understand how any of the employees were even employees.

"Alright guys listen up, today I'm setting you up in partners, if ha complain about it you'll be hearin from me and be disinclined accordingly. I don't care who you want to be partners with and who you don't wanna be partners with, this is my classroom and therefore my rules, we understanding each other?" He spoke to the class, his Italian accent flowing gruffly from his tongue, "alright well let me call you out according to grouping and you can get in your group but don't do anything till I tell ya to got it."

Everyone responded with a yes sir mostly out of fear because he had honestly scared every single one of the students in some fashion including [F/N].

"Gamzee and Jessica"
"Jeremiah and ryeanne"
"Karkat and [F/N]-"

He couldn't believe his not so much luck. He was pared with Karkat, the one troll he really didn't need or want to be pared with. He already knew there was a probability he'd get stabbed if he didn't say anything so he just merely let his eyes wonder to the direction of Karkat, noticing him staring and quickly glanced away, a light blush painting his cheeks.

He had stopped paying attention to the other groups at this point and chose to let his imagination run wild, eyes focusing on a few splotches of dirt on his shoes to keep from thinking about the troll.

Today he was wearing maroon jeans, black vans, and a grey stripped v-neck sweater. The sweater was a bit itchy but comfortable at the same time and the jeans may have been too feminine and thin even for his body type. He didn't mind too much but regardless, he probably needed to get rid of these pants.

Once Jack noir had finished calling out the groups he told everyone to quickly get with their partners and they all did just that, [F/N] shuffling his way to karkats desk at the center. He pulled a chair over and sat in it, also having some pens and papers for whatever they might be doing, and attempted to avoid eye contact with the other.

"So what you tikes are gonna do is make your very own town. This town is gonna be a boom town of such where everything is owned by a company and you work for and live under that company, the school is owned and run by the company. It's pretty much a lot like slavery as we've gone over and Hershey's used have a town just like this one. So with that being said, use scratch paper to come up with your ideas and then-" the both of them zoned him out at this point as he turned to you and said in a low voice, "I'll plan everything out and you draw"

You narrowed your eyes at him, "why can't I plan it out and you draw? No, wait even better, we both split both jobs," He rolled his eyes and continued, "easy solution."

"This is our project together and I can't ducking draw so I'm making you do it."

"Our shared project, what if I can't draw Karkat? Don't just assume things. Assuming makes an ass out of you and me" he glared at this point, flipping [F/N] off and tapping his fingers against the desk right afterword. "What about a town that revolves around making-" before [F/N] could finish Karkat interrupted him.

"A town that makes nothing but cotton candy!" He grinned and the other nodded, "Cotten candy made from the blood of unicorns?" [F/N] added with a raised eyebrow.

"Sure why the fuck not." Karkat shrugged and began scribbling on the scratch paper, planning out their town and street names and such.

"The high school should be 'cotton candy high' and the mascot should be a dead unicorn."

Karkat snorted loudly and covered his face, a grin spreading on his face. "You're a fucking dumbass."

" a brilliant dumbass"

"That doesn't make sense"

"Yeah it does."

The both of them were civil for the rest of the class period, making jokes and talking about their assignment without once getting into a fight. When lunch time came around and they split to their click [F/N] couldn't help but to notice how close Karkat sat near him and his friends everyday. He felt bad for not noticing before.

"Eridan, touch me with that and I'll throw my trash on the beach next time I'm there"

He gasped and clutched his heart dramatically, "wwhy, howw could you [F/N], I thought you cared about my feelings and such."

"Not all the time." He narrowed his eyes at Eridan, moments ago the water troll had tried to touch [F/N] with the shedding a of a snake that he found when cleaning out the tank in the science room that morning. It was sorta discussing but also interesting in its own unique way, it's patterns were that of skin being viewed inder the microscope with the almond eye shaped patterns everywhere, it could even be mistook end for beautiful flowing waves. No matter what it was still dead skin and gross though.

The cafeteria smelled of nothing as most school cafeterias did, the food almost lacking in a satisfying aroma almost as a warning sign to all who dared to enter. The most pickable scent was that of body odor and what smelt like a cheap off brand air freshener, other than that there was almost nothing to invade your nose. It was a small cafeteria too but there was tables outside where the loners usually sat and that's where karkats table was. His table was indeed close to [F/N]s but they were separated by a sheet of glass and brick.

"So I've noticed you and Karkat have been having some interesting staring contests, what the fucks with that?" Dave asked as he sat down, eyebrows arched.

"Meh, it's nothing major- we've just been not on a very good page lately ya know?" He replied shrugging his shoulders.

"Alright, cool I guess. I'm actually thinking about making moves on him." He smirked as he spoke, eyes sparkling as they glanced over to the window that separated them, not that anyone could see this through his shades.

"Please, no Dave. You're such a-" he searched for the right word to say, not wanting to call him a whore or anything, " fuckboy"

Dave laughed loudly and clutched his belly, throwing his head back and such before looking back down to [F/N] in all seriousness. "Shit man, made me lose my composure.

It was [F/N]s turn to laugh and he did just that, rolling his eyes and flicking Dave on the cheek with his fingers. "Whatever"

To be honest, that night that [F/N] thought of Karkat as a kismesis was kind of ridiculous because as that day has gone on he realized he didn't even hate the troll at all, instead he had been just doing what he thought the troll had wanted. He wasn't sure completely on the subject but he knew for a fact he had never hated Karkat, he was however unsure if he ever would or could hate him.

With his issues of feelings for Karkat becoming more clearer and not so clear another problem was beginning to arise, what would he do about Eridan?


The same questions from the last update still apply, if you don't remember them go back and answer them now please. I will not progress further until I have at least six replies thank you

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