Chapter 7

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[F/N] woke up with a loud hammering vibration that went through his delicate spongy skull. His skull felt delicate at the moment anyways. He curled into a warm bundle next to him, groaning in pain as his skull throbbed even more as he awoke from his sleep. The warm ball stirred and he felt arms tighten around his back. [F/N]s eyes flashed open, being struck with blinding light, before his vision focused on grey skin and nubby horns.

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck

"Karkat-?" He mumbled, trying to untangle himself from the other. Karkats eyes fluttered open and his gaze stilled on [F/N]s face.

"Well look whos finally fucking awake. Did you sleep well? I bet you have a killer headache at the moment, serves you right for being a fucking idiot and drinking."

[F/N] glanced around the room as Karkat chewed him out, barely listening to what he said.

"Why are you in my room and in my bed? Did you take advantage of me-? Wait why am i asking that of course you did."

"Uhm, heh, yeah, no i fucking didnt dumbshit." Karkat said, narrowing his eyes.

"Yes you did."

"Oh fucking really then? If thats the case what ever did i do to you to be classified as taking advantage of a idiotic douch who replaced his think pan with rusting nails."

"You touched my butt."

Karkat gave him a "are you fucking kidding me look?" And crawled out of bed, stretching on his way out, and stood up. "I fucking hate you, i cant believe-"

"Wow wow wow, Karkat, dude, do you like- have black feelings for me?" [F/N] gave him a puzzled look. Of course he had fancied the thought for a moment but he wasnt sure how he actually felt now that that was actually happening.

"I- What the fuck- what even makes you think that *I* would feel black for *you*. Just fucking No. No. No."

"Karkat... the other day you gave my friend John a lecture about black romances and you said "NoNoNo" was a sign."

He pulled at his hair in exasperation, groaning and falling back. "OH MY FUCKING GOD [F/N] I DONT FEEL BLACK FOR YOU!"

"Alright Karkat, if you say so, i mean, youre giving off some pretty wild vibes with your attitude but since youre so sure on it-"

He turned to the other, interrupting him. "And what if i was? What would you do then?"

[F/N] chewed his lip, trying to select his words wisely before proceeding, "I would be okay with it? I don't know, i might also give the whole black thing a shot-"

"Really? You'd give it a fucking shot?" He rolled his eyes and got up again, going to the mirror and fixing his bed head to the best of his ability.

"Fine, so maybe i do, what are you going to do now?" He turned and faced him, eyes narrowed, challenging him. [F/N] gulped in response, this wasn't how he had planned any of this. He had fancied the black rom thing, even imagined how their relationship would be but here karkat was, confessing to something black and he couldn't even speak.

"I- uhm, I guess- would you like to black date me then? I dont know how this fucking works...." He stumbled on his words but the look Karkat gave him made [F/N] feel even more uncomfortable.

Ten things i hate about you [male!reader x karkat]Where stories live. Discover now