The Strain (Mikoto x Reader)

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 UP NEXT: The Blue Savior (Reisi Munakata x Reader)


 ENJOY! (I hope you do, I do feel that this one-shot is not from my best for which I am terribly sorry)

 PS: Can I ask you a question? Is it okay if I make a few lemons for the next one-shots? No? kay ;-;


 You were in HOMRA as the second Strain and female, though you always were in your wolf form. Expect for once....

 You always stood right next to them and the only one you communicated through your mind was with Anna Kushina, the first female and Strain in the Red Clan.

 "Oh, come on, (Y/N)! Show us yourself already! We only know from Anna your name!" Rikio whined, making you stuck your tongue out at him. Anna smiled and continued drawing.

 "You are in HOMRA for an year or so, you have our symbol on your forehead..." Shohei pointed at the white symbol on your black fur, "And we still do not know how you look really." You tried to chuckle, but it came funny in your wolf form.

 "She said that if you continue like that, she will bite you both." Anna said, still watching her drawing. You waved your tail in agreement, making both men gulp and back away a few feet.


 "Well, what are we going to do now?" Yata yawned and placed a hand on the table. It was dark outside, but today everyone were going to sleep in the bar to make each other company. You were lying on the ground and played with your paw in boredom, then you started chasing your tail.

 "For a wolf, you can be sometimes quite strange." Bando mumbled, pulling out his playing cars from his left pocket.

 You ignored him and crashed your head in the counter, making a few wine glasses fall. You yelped, turning around to face a red tomato. You gulped and started walking backwards, hitting someone in the leg. You saw that it was no other, but Mikoto, his cigarette between his lips. You felt yourself being picked up, you head on his shoulder, while the King's red, messy hair tickled your nose. You looked at everyone with your blue ocean eyes.

 You were in Mikoto's room, watching him carefully. You couldn't lie, you do had feelings towards your King. But you couldn't tell him. At least not now.

 He slowly went to the wardrobe and took a white T-short, similar to his and he threw it to you. You managed to catch it with ease. You looked at your King confused, he sighed turning around and taking another cigarette out.

 "Change." He spoke, not looking back at you. You gulped and let go of the T-shirt. You couldn't say no to the King. After you took a step back, you closed your eyes, the ticklish feeling running down your spine as you changed. You opened your eyes to see of you were successful and you did were. You then felt you cheeks heating up, as you saw you were naked. You dressed with the T-shirt which was like a dress to you.

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