gio, stveie, & their bitches

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that is what la galaxy has become:

gio, stevie, maybe robbie, and their bitches. 

seriously guys.

i live in los angeles and THE ADVERTISEMENTS ARE EVERYWHERE. on bus benches, billboards, liquor store posters, commercials, etc. and they are all the same. GIOVANI flanked by STEVIE and ROBBIE. then GYASY and  OMAR flanking them behind ROBBIE and STEVIE. always the same guys, with GIO always at the front. but look at the diversity though. mexican-brazilian, flanked by an irish and a scouse, flanked by an american, and a mexican american. 

if you're trying for the badass menacing approach, i am not convinced, galaxy. giovani cannot be top dog in your wannabe badass poster. he is a cupcake for god's sake. a little choco roll of doom.

but i know why you do it. 

of the five (at least in la), gio is by far the most popular. i heard his debut game was sold out so fucking quick, quicker than stevie's. and they've been getting a bigger crowd of fans since he joined. no doubt mexican fans. you know how we love to support la raza. 

but yeah, i literally see gio's face every day now since he has joined galaxy.


as though he were the only man in la galaxy.

this is the line up spanish media sees

                    gio                  gio

gio                         gio                         gio

gio         gio        gio          gio          gio


i have no fucking clue what galaxy's usual line up looks like, except for the fact that its gio and robbie at the top, with stevie somewhere in the midfield. i doubt they have a five person defense line. maybe they have a three person attack with robbie, gio and, gyasi. and i think the panama nt goal keeper plays in galaxy too. i cant remember.

anyway, i just needed to say this.

people act like gio is the savior of la galaxy. i mean, i adore gio. but they were just fine without him, and without stevie. of course i like being able to watch him on my tv and having him so close. but gio could have done better. 

i have said it, and i sustain it.

mls is a retirement league.

-clary xx

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