Chapter 3

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(A/N: I'll skip Sunday and proceed to Monday, the first day of school. :D)

~Celine's POV:

First day of school. Gulp.

I took a quick shower, brushed my hair, and got dressed up. I went to the dining room, Dad and the twins are there. We ate our breakfast, toasted bread, bacon and eggs. Dad is going to work too, so we are going with him in our car. Our driver, Andy opened the door for me, he's such a gentleman. And he drove us to our school.

"Hey! Lame girl is here!", a girl shouted.

If you're wondering who is she refering to, it's me. Yeah. But my brothers doesn't know that they bully me every single day in school. My brothers are popular here in school. All the girls here like them. Well, for me, naahh... They just think that I'm a weak girl that doesn't know how to have fun. I know fun and it is painting, drawing, reading, composing and whatever I do is fun for me.

Only girls hates me, hmm.. Few boys too. But I still have friends they are Dean and Thomas. Yep, they are boys. Well, my only friends in my house are boys, so my friends here in school are boys too. I'm not really interested when girls are my friends, you know, parties, shopping, make-over, ugh. I don't like it at all. And speaking of Dean and Thomas there they are now.

"Hey Celine! How's summer?", Dean held my shoulder. Dean has a british accent so, sometimes I can't understand what he's saying. SO SLANG. You know that? Hahaha. (Sorry Dean :3)

"Yo Celine. Got any new friends lately?", Thomas rubbed my head. Thomas is kinda like a gangsta, you know what I mean. Haha. They are the only friends I got here in school so, I really love them because they save me whenever girls try to bully me and they understand me.

"Summer's fun. No friends- Oh. Yes. I have friends. Greyson and Logan.", I smiled. Logan is my father's assistant's son. Haha. It's so complicated. Let's just say he is Mr. Rogers' son.

"Oohh.. Where are they now?", Dean said.

"Well, I'm not sure where they are right now. But Logan said he will school here.", I retorted.

"What about you're pal Greyson?", Thomas asked.

"I don't know."

"Hey wait! Dude! Greyson!"

"Oh! Yeah! Greyson!"

"What Greyson?", I raised my eyebrows. I can't understand what they're saying, really.

"Greyson Chance. He's popular here in school.", Dean explained.

"Popular? How come I never knew him?", I said.

"Because you're busy painting after school man."

I hit Thomas playfully and laughed. Well, he's saying the truth. I paint at the arts room of the school when I'm free.

"Hey! Celine!", a voice startled me. I turned around and saw Logan running towards us.

"Who's that chick?", Thomas chuckled. I laughed as well as Dean.

"Oh, Thomas. It's Logan.", I shook my head.

"Hey. Uhh. Oh. Hey.", Logan raised a brow.

"Hi Logan. These are my crazy friends.", I introduced. "Dean and Thomas."

"I'm not crazy! Thomas is the only one who's crazy here.", Dean crossed his arms on his chest.

"Logan.", Logan raised his hand.

Then the bell rang. We attended the entrance ceremony and went to our homerooms. Guess what? Thomas, Dean and Logan are my homeroom classmates. Yipee! BUT I'm not with them every subject because of the schedule. Sigh. Hate the schedule.

Lunch time. Logan, Dean, Thomas and I went to the cafeteria. We ordered our lunch and searched for some empty table and immediately we saw one. But suddenly someone bumped my tray, causes the food went to my shirt.

"Oops. Sorry. I didn't mean to do it.", a girl said and she smiled. "Oh. There's something missing.", she took a soda and splashed it into my face. "Toodles.", the girl giggled ad walked away.

I was there with my mouth open. Everyone laughed, well except for Logan, Thomas and Dean. I cannot take it anymore. I'm gonna burst it all out. That girl is a curse in my life!

"Celine. You're dripping wet with soda. Let's go to our locker.", Dean held my shoulder. We walked to the locker room.

"Don't worry Celine. We'll take revenge from that girl.", Thomas patted my back.

"Celine. You're always bullied in your school? Why don't you tell your dad and brothers about this?", Logan asked anxiously.

I took a shirt in my locker and went to the comfort room to change my clothes. Ugh. Why would it be always like this in school? I hate it. But still I don't want to tell this about my family, for sure they'll get a body guard for me. And that sucks. I washed my face and my hair. I went out of the comfort room and then I saw Greyson.

"You're bullied again, huh?", he said.

"What do you think?", I rolled my eyes. Then he abruptly hugged me. I felt very calm when I was in his arms.

"I'm worried.", Greyson pulled back.

"Why would you be worried?"

"You're my friend, of course.", Greyson smiled.

He' What am I thinking?! I punched Greyson playfully and walked away.

"Go away.", I said.


"I said go now. Girls might bully me again when they see me with you.", I looked away. Greyson sighed in relief. I raised an eyebrow.

"Can we see each other again?", Greyson said. I stopped walking and looked at him.

"What are you dumb? Of course we'll see each other again. Your house is infront of my house right?", I rolled my eyes.

"Okay. See you!", Greyson smiled.

I pushed him away and walked away again.


I turned around and saw Dean, Thomas and Logan running towards me. They stopped running but they are still sliding. THUD! It is like in bowling. I'm the bowling ball and they are the bowling pin. But opposite. I got up and held my head.

"What are you three thinking?", I grunted.

"You talked to Greyson.", Dean got up.


"What did he say to you?", Thomas held my shoulders and shook it. You could see their faces here. It's funny. They are like girls that ran over to a handsome boy. Hahaha. And I'm the handsome boy. Ka-CHING! :D

I slapped Thomas hand and stood up, "What are you girls?", I coughed. They stood up and dusted their pants.

"Eww..", Dean imitated girls' voice and pose.

We laughed. Dean is really a good joker, I tell you. I really love these guys. Except for Logan. Hahaha. Of course, we just met one day, how could I love him already, right?

We went back to the cafeteria and few people are left there. We ate our lunch. We finished it timing when the bell rang.

Next subject: Biology

Friends in the classroom: NONE

I went inside of the classroom and everyone looked at me. I walked to the professor and talked to him. He said that I'll pick where I'll sit. I looked around and saw Greyson, waving at me. I half-smiled and walked to the last row and sat beside the window. Greyson smiled at me. I raised an eyebrow and looked outside of the window.

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