Chapter 13

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"Sup?", a boy smiled and winked at me.

I put on my 'ew' look and walked to a table.

"Hey Celine. Be nice and reply.", Dean said softly.

"Why will I be nice if that guy is flirting me?", I whispered loudly and crossed my arms on my chest.

"He's not flirting. That's just how we say 'hi' to pretty girls like you.", Thomas smiled.

"Really? You think I'm pretty? Aww..", I said cutely. "Ew!", I rolled my eyes. "And I'm not a girl,l I'm a lady."

"C'mon Celine. You really are pretty.", Dean half-smiled.

"Yeah. You did that to me too when I transferred here.", I sighed. Really, they did that to me too when I transferred here.

"Uhh.. Yeah??", they said in a 'duh' tone.

"Hi guys. Did I miss something?", Logan sat with us.

"Yeah. A boy said 'hi' to Celine."

"It's 'Sup'", I mimicked.

"It's not that bad.", Dean shook his head.

"For me it is. If you're a lady like me, you'll definitely gonna throw up."

"Then why is that girl being nice and replied to him?", Thomas pointed at the girl that is waving (flirtly) at the boy.

"I'm a lady. Not a girl."

"What's the difference?", Dean shrugged.

"I don't get it.", Logan looked at us curiously.

"Let's just change the topic."

"Okay... So anything happened to you and Greyson yesterday?"

"What do you mean?", alright they're asking like my brothers.

"I mean, did you two you know, hang out?"

"Yeah. He came over at my house and I came over at his house."

"And?", they asked in unison.

"We made lyrics."

"And?", they asked again in unison.

"We played video games."


"Okay guys. Will you stop it? You're becoming triplets.", I sighed.

"It's just we're worried.", Logan shrugged.

They exchanged glances. I raised an eyebrow while looking at them.

"No, we're not. We just wanna know.", Dean smiled sweetly.


We stared at each other, awkwardly..... Then the bell rang, ding-a-ding-a-ding. Logan and we seperated ways. While walking to the first subject,

"Hey Celine.", another boy greeted me, AGAIN.

"You're getting popular these days Celine.", Dean patted my shoulder.

"And I think it's because of Greyson.", Thomas wiggled his eyebrows.

"Yeah. I wish they'll change back into what they really see me."

Dean and Thomas gasped loudly in disbelief, "It's like you're saying that you wish Greyson didn't become your bestfriend."

"What? No.. Pfft.. It's not like that. I just like them more if they bully me than they flirt with me.", I raised my eyebrows.

"Speaking of Greyson, he's in three o'clock.", Thomas whispered.

"Hey guys! Hi Sab! See you later.", he grinned.

"That's fast.", Dean said.

"Of course 'cause we're now late.", I walked a little faster.


PE time. My most boring subject. -_-

"Let's go Ms. Gomez is calling us.", Greyson pulled my hand.


"Good morning class.", Ms. Gomez said. "Oh. Ms. Peterson. Please sit at the corner.", she added.

"Today, we're going to.........", blah blah blah.

I sat on a chair at the corner of the gymnasium and watched them perform some exercise thing.

That's why it's boring, I have nothing to do here. My PE uniform is useless.

Greyson glanced at me. I half-smiled and looked down. What shall I do now? I don't just wanna stare at them like a retard. Well, that's what I always do in PE.

Asthma.. Can you please let me go? Huhuhu. T_T

10 minutes later, Greyson went towards me. I think it's their break. He's really sweaty.

"Hey. Why did Ms. Gomez excused you?", he asked. Great. What am I gonna say now?

"Stay there. Don't come closer to me.", I said. 

"Sab... You're overreacting.", he drank water.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are. It's just my muscles.", he smirked while squeezing his sweaty FAT biceps.

"Greyson..... It's not you're 'muscles'", I scorned. "It's your sweat."

"I know. I just wanna know what's your reaction.", he rubbed the towel on his hair.

His hair..... His sweaty- wait, what am I thinking?

"Gotta go.", he threw the towel to my face and laughed.

"That was not funny Greyson.", I said while folding the towel.

He ran to the center of gym with our other classmates.

"Alright. Now we're going to play volleyball.", Ms. Gomez cried.

Oh no. I hate volleyball. I'm scared of the ball. Honestly.

Ms. Gomez whistled and I saw Greyson mouthing me some words that I don't understand.

I just raised my eyebrows and forced a smile. But deep inside..... I'm scared and confused. Huhuhu.

The ball was served then the game started. I looked at the ball in every direction it goes. So that if it's thrown to me I can throw it back with my head unhit.

I stared at the air, taking my eyes off the game. Something was on my mind but I don't know what it is.

I heard someone yelled my name, I turned my head and BAM- my head hurts. I held my head, dangit, why did I took my eyes off the game?! Urgh. I hate you something-that's-on-my-mind-but-I-don't-know-what-it-was! And also I hate the ball!

"Ms. Peterson. Are you alright?", Ms. Gomez ran towards me panickly.

"Sab! Are you okay?", Greyson ran too.

"I'm fine.", I said, still holding my head.

"No you're not. You're bleeding.", Ms. Gomez pointed at my nose.

Not bleeding... Please tell me I'm not bleeding... Please tell me... It's okay if my head hurts... Just not bleeding......

I touched somewhere near my nose and saw the liquid that I'm afraid of. BL-O-OD.

"Let's bring her to the clinic.", Ms. Gomez hooked her arm on my arm. Greyson did that too on my other arm.

"Everyone stay here and be quiet.", she said to my other classmates.

Greyson and Ms. Gomez pulled me out of the gym.


Author's note:

So how's that? Haha. Hope you all like it! Sorry for the wrong grammars and some typos. Please vote and comment if you like it! I'll appreciate it alot. Love lots <3

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