It's Complicated- Chapter Sixteen

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*Three months later*

Kieran and I have been planning the wedding since the day I got out of hospital. We decided on the colours we wanted which were silver and purple. Just like the first thing he gave me when we started dating. That was the main idea of the colour scheme.

Today was they day I ordered my wedding dress and the bridesmaids dresses. Myself, my bridesmaids; Talia and Lily and my mum all came to the shop and I found my dream dress.

"Oh my lord! That's so pretty! Darling you're going to be the best looking bride I've ever seen." My mother told me. Everyone else couldn't form words, they just nodded and smiled as I turned on the spot.

It was a white princess style dress with a tight bodice and applique design down the front of my dress. There was a teal section around under my bust which makes the dress look fantastic. I had dreamed of finding a dress similar to this but this just looked beautiful on. This had to be the one.

The bridesmaids dresses were an amazing colour that matched the colour of my ribbon belt that laces around my waist. The sizes supplied fitted perfectly. I was just wondering how the boys were going with the suits.

We bought the dresses and I looked around to see if they had ties to match the bridesmaids dresses. Luckily I found a pretty close match in colours.

Kieran and I have decided to have the wedding quickly because we just want to get away from our families and just to have time to ourselves.

Because we've planned to have it soon, things have been hectic. Hopefully nothing wrong will happen leading up to it.

"Talia! Oh thank god you're still here! Would you be a dear and call the caterers to make sure they are making everything I've asked for. Oh and the hair dressers please? I feel like if I make another phone call I will drop the phone."

"Sure thing darling. Anything to stop you from stressing my dear." She laughed. "What about make-up?"

"I'm doing it myself!" I said chirpily. I smiled at her. She dialled a number into her telephone. She walked out of the room when my fiancé walked in.

Kieran walked straight up to me and held me in a hug. He lent in to kiss me. He held me close to him and lead me over to the bed. He turned around to lock our bedroom door. He came back to me and laid down next to me and kissed me more. He rolled on top of me and told me he loved me.

"You ready for this because I can stop if you want?" He panted.

"Shh" I said pulling him back to me.

Best night of my life.

*2 months after that*

"Is everyone ready?" I asked all the ladies in my room. I was hoping everything was ready. I had done my make-up and had my hair. I just needed help to put my dress on. Talia came to me with my dress and helped me put it on. I heard a yes from everyone in the room. Everyone looked so beautiful all done up.

The wedding was in Kieran's parents backyard. The set up was amazing. They had bunches of Lavender flowers in vases sitting on the six round tables setup for eating. The place looked amazing. It was indescribable.

The ceremony was about to begin. I got called out of Kieran's parents room to the back door where a silver long carpet was laid out for me to walk on.

The bridesmaids and the groomsmen walked out of the house as I followed all the way down to my soon-to-be husband who had a smile on his face. I walked down the long carpet with my dad and my mum at my arms leading me down the extended silver rug.

Out of everything in the world, this was the most happiest day of my life so far. Kieran had made my nights more eventful then when he was gone.

As the time went pretty fast while I was walking down the isle and once I got to the podium, I held onto Kieran's hands and he gave me a quick peck on the cheek. By this time, I knew I made the best choice I could.

We stood at the top of the podium as the priest wedded us. We said our vows and our I do's and gave each other our rings. When the priest said that Kieran could now kiss his wife. His eyes had a sparkle to them when he came closer to me to kiss me. 


The end of the evening came around and the families were running around enjoying themselves. We all came together for the little cupcakes which were our wedding cakes. We gathered on the dance floor for a brilliant time of dancing and spinning in circles.

Most of the younger kids have fallen asleep in there chairs, so Kieran and I decided to cut the wedding reception short to let those kids go home. They went past and congratulated us before walking out the door.

After all the people we know left and Talia was the last to go. She had a bit too much to drink so my parents took her home and said their goodbyes.

Kieran and I walked to his room and decided we better get out of our brilliant wedding clothes. Kieran walked into the bathroom then came out a couple of minutes later. 

"Damn. You have no idea how much I needed that. Everytime I went to go, someone would come and talk to me!" We laughed and I gestured for him to come to me. 

"Can you do me a favour?" I asked

"Sure wifey, whats up?" He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Can you undo the buttons on my dress. I can't reach them all." I said turning around and pointed to the dozens of buttons down the back of my dress. He laughed and started to undo the buttons. i held the front of my dress up so it wouldn't crumple on the floor. 

Kieran kissed my neck and moved my hands from my dress. I turned around to face him, and asked him why he did that. He said he wanted to see his beautiful new wife in her under wear. We kissed and laughed then went to bed. We decided to open the gifts in the morning because otherwise we would be too excited about it all. 

In the morning, I woke with a surprising awakening. I ran to the bathroom and empitied my stomach out in the toilet in Kieran's ensuit bathroom. He ran in after me and pulled my hair out of my face. 

"I don't know why I'm sick. I didn't drink, well, as much as Talia." I stated.

"It could have been food poisioning?" He said, I nodded in agreement.

"Or.... Oh crap."

We got changed into fresh clothes and left before anyone could see. We went to the local pharmacy to see if there was a test. we bought the most expensive one because it sounded the most reliable. Kieran opened the front door to his home and we ran back to his bathroom. 

"I'll be out in a minute." I said. 

We waited for felt like 20 minutes but only turned out to be 5 minutes. We looked at the test together . The answer was in front of our faces. We're having a baby.



Wow..... Intense hey. I know it took a while but I did it. Book done.

Thanks for sticking with my story and I hope you liked it! 



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Xxx. Olivia. 

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