Turning 18 (continued x2)

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*bang* My dad fell out of my hands, and onto the floor. I look down with a horrified expression. There's screams from outside and I somehow hear my mother yelling "RUN" over the loud notice of gunfire. I run, grab my backpack with my stuff and bolt out the door. I turn to see my mother catching up, and pointing towards a secret ally that only the people in this neighborhood know about. I bolt across the street, through a yard, another street and into the alley. I glance back repeatedly to make sure my mother is there and when I do I'm horrified. I see a government worker spilling oil all over our house, others running around no doubt trying to find us and do to us what they did to my father. Cold. Hard. Murder. I finally make it to the alley, seeing my mother right behind me, and many of my neighbors. My heart is pounding in my chest. I can't think straight. It's all hazy and dizzy making. My mothers talking but I can't hear her over the horrific knowledge of what just happened. She finally get my attention when I hear the word government. But it's instantly gone when a huge burst of fire comes from our house. I try not to scream and cry! It was my house, my home, my father and they just, they just took it. They destroyed it all. My mother turns back to me and I'm listening this time.
"Ariel you must listen they will find us soon. You have to run, go to an airport and use your adventure pass to fly away as quick as possible. You need to leave NOW!"
"Wait mom did you..... did you know they were coming?"
"Yes. I did. I was hoping we had more time this morning but your father, *pause* he was hearing things that the government was saying about you. Some thought you were the answer to the legend, but majority thought that you were dangerous and you needed to be killed. They waited tell today so they could say it was an accident in your travels. Your father and I new this would happen so we made a plan."
"But what about you mom?"
"I'll be fine, I'm going to go stay with one of my friends from school for a while, she is a purple so they won't suspect much."
"But mom!"
"No you can't argue now, you must hurry or they will find you and kill you like they did to your father." *crying*
I leaped up and gave her a hug, she was right after all. I told her I loved her and gave her a hug. I dint want to go, not one bit, but I had to, it was the only way I had a chance of living.

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