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(That's Simon)

"No. I'm not going." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Please. This is the last thing we're going to do together." He pouted.

"I thought you were coming to Miami." I said.

"I don't know yet." He sighed looking down.

"So you're basically saying that you're not." I said.

"I didn't say I wouldn't."

"But you are. I told you not to come with me in the first place. You just got my hopes up and now you've crushed them." I said bitting my lip to hold back the tears that were threatening to come out.


"Please, just get out of my room." I begged. He walked out of the room and closed the door. I finally let the tears spill from my eyes. The door opened and I quickly wiped my eyes.

"Taylor?" My mum asked walking in my room. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied.

"I need to talk to you," she said, "about Miami."

"Okay." I said.

"You're leaving in about a month, right?"

"I want to leave next week. So I get use to being down there." I said.

"Okay. Well that changes everything." She said.


"Because I was going to say that this month we should spend time together." She said.

"I'm sorry mum. Maybe you can come down with me! I just need to get away from here." I said.

"Okay. I'll spend this month with you then I have to come back." She said.

"Okay. I'll book the flight now." I said opening my computer. She nodded and gave me a hug.

"There's also something else." She said, "What's up with Simon and Jordan?"

"They're dating." I mumbled.

"Your father is going to kill her." She said.

"Good." I whispered under my breath.

"Okay. You book the flight and I'll go cook dinner." She said walking out of my room. I booked one one way ticket and a round trip ticket to Miami. My door opened and Simon walked in.

"What the fück do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"I just want to know why you won't come with us." He pouted.

"I already told you that if Jordan goes I'm not going. It was just suppose to be me and you, like it used to be. Now that you aren't coming to Miami with me we aren't spending anymore time together. So basically this is my way of saying goodbye. Now please leave me alone." I said.

"Wait, I thought you were leaving in August?" He said unsure.

"No. I'm leaving next week." I said.

"Oh." I ignored him and logged into Youtube. Simon convinced me to create a channel. I uploaded one or two videos but I didn't have many subscribers.

"You better upload vlogs. I need to see what your life is like." He said walking out of my room.

"I will." I sighed. I stood up and slid on a pair of shoes and walked out of my room. I walked down stairs and grabbed my car keys from the table near the front door. I walked to my car and drove out of the drive way. I just needed to clear my mind. I drove down the street and continued to dive.


I got home around two and snuck into my house. I got into my room and changed out of my clothes. I pulled on a black tank top and a pair of shorts. I laid down and pulled my computer onto my lap. I logged onto it. I started watching Youtube and before I knew it I fell asleep.


"Taylor," someone said shaking me, "wake up."

"I'm up. I'm up." I said sitting up.

"I need to talk to you." I opened my eyes and saw Jordan sitting there.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Simon really wants you to go on the trip with us." She said.

"Yeah well I'm not. I'm leaving in Wednesday." I said.

"I thought you were leaving in August."

"No. I'm leaving Wednesday with mum. She's coming down for a month." I said.


"Yeah now can you leave my room so I can sleep. Thanks." I said closing my eyes and flipping over. I heard her leave my room and I let myself be taken over by sleep.


I blinked my eyes a few times adjusting to the lights that were recently turned on. Simon was sitting in my desk chair currently on his computer.

"Why the fück are you in here?" I asked picking up my head regretting it after I got drunk last night with what ever was left in the liquor cabinet.

"I'm just using my computer."

"Then why are you in my room? What time is it anyway?" I asked.

"It's two in the afternoon." He said. "Wake up we're going out."

"Yeah no. I'm not going anywhere. I have a pounding headache." I said holding my head.

"Maybe you shouldn't have gotten drunk last night." He said closing his laptop.

"I need you to get me aspirin. It's sitting on my sink in my bathroom." I said, I grabbed my water bottle and pulling the cap off. He came out handing me two pills. I put them in my mouth and took a swig of water. I put the water in the bedside table and laid back down. Simon crawled into my bed and laid down next to me. "What are you doing?"

"What I can't cuddle with my best friend without being questioned?" He laughed.

"You can't when your girlfriend's right across the hall. Speaking of her, why aren't you with her?" I asked rolling over to face him.

"She's out with her friends and told me to stay here." He said.

"Okay so what do you want to do then?" I asked.

"I don't know. Do you want to go get food or something?" He asked.

"I guess." I shrugged standing up. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a black crop top and a pair of ripped jean shorts. I walked into the bathroom and changed into my outfit. I brushed through my hair and put a braid in it. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my makeup bag. I quickly applied foundation, concealer, and powder. After I put on eyeliner and mascara. I walked back out into my room a slipped on a pair of sock and a blue pair of vans.

"Are you ready yet?" He asked annoyed.

"Yeah." I said unplugging my phone from the charger. "Where are we actually going?"

"Well, we'll go get food and the see a movie." He said.

"Okay. Is your car here?" I asked.

"Yeah. Let's go." He said digging into his pocket and grabbing his and walking out of my bedroom. I followed him to his car and got in.

"And we're off for one of the final times."


This was kind of a filler to be completely honest.

QOTD: Are you guys in school?


Word count: 1172

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