Chapter 15

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sorry i havent uploaded in FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! ive been crazy busy!!!!!!!!! sooooo heres chapter 15 for you!!!!!!! and look what i made on the side >>>>>>>>>>> its all the characters:) i also have a slideshoe that im uploading next chappie:) ok here u goes:P                                     

                                                       Justin's POV

After all the girls left, it was just, Christian,Ryan,Chaz, and I.

I was so mad at myself!

I didnt man-up and ask Mekenna to be my girlfriend, and now i might never have her!

Being Justin Bieber, i was usually the type to ask a girl out romanticly, with a dozen roses or something.

But this was no time to be romantic!

i needed her NOW!!!

I decided to call her right then.

I told the guys what i was thinking, and they agreed, it was a now-or-never situation.

I dialed her number and put her on speaker phone so the guys could hear.

It was late so i hoped she would still be awake.

The phone started to ring and all of a sudden, i got nervous again...

                                                 Mekenna's POV

I woke up to Favorite Girl playing from my phone.

That was Justin's ringtone!

What was he doing calling me this late???

I sighed and decied, that if Justin Bieber is calling me at midnight, then it has to be important.

I answered the phone groggily

      *Phone Conversation*

Mekenna- "Hello?"

Justin-(stuttering)"H-Hi Mekenna, d-did i wake you up-p?"

Mekenna- "um, ya. but its okay.i wasnt really fully asleep yet...So whats up Justin?"

Justin- "Well, i need to ask you something."

Mekenna- "Okay, shoot!"

Justin- "Well, I have been wanting to ask you this since i first met you, but i was worried of what you'd say.

But i've realized, that it's a Now-or Never situation and i can't lose this oppertunity!

So here goes nothing... Mekenna Peterson, Will you please be my...."

All of a sudden, the phone clicked dead!!!

I stared at my phone in disbelief.

Just as Justin was about to ask me something important, my phone freakin died!!!

I picked up Callie's phone and was about to text Justin and tell him what happened, but i realized, that she didnt have Justin's number.

I scrolled through contacts hopelessly, until i remembered, that she had Christian's number!!!

I decided to text Chris and have him inform Justin of my dilemma.

I did just that and i laid back down.

I couple minutes later i heard a faint buzzing.

Chris had texted back.

The message said," i showed Justin the message and he understands, and to sleep well."

I quickly texted back,"ok ttyl chris, PS. don't hurt Callie!"

Only a second after i sent the message, i got a reply back!

" i would rather die than hurt Callie, or see her hurting. I love her more then my own life. she's everything to me!!!"

I shut Callies phone, satisfied,and placed it next to her again.

I finally went back to sleep with that reassuring feeling that everything would be alright....

/A.N/  eeeeeeep what did you guys think????i need 5 comments and at least 3 votes on this one for me to upload chapter 16 ok i love you all!!!!!!!! bye:)

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