Chapter 16

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  • Dedicated to to my Panda Bear named Cheescake:)

 the cover for my new story,Blaire's Diary is over there>>>>>>> tell me what you think!!!! i will be starting it soon:) here's chapter 16!!!

                                               Callie's POV

        I woke up before everyone else.

I checked my phone to see the time, which was 8:00.

I decided to text Chris.

I saw in my in-box that he had sent 2 messages last night when i was asleep.

I was confused...

I was asleep last night when he texted, so unless i was sleep-texting, someone used my phone!

I looked at the first message sent from my phone.

It said," Hey Christian, it's Mekenna! Justin just called me but my phone died! would you mind telling him what happened so he doesn't think i hung up on him?"

Chris replied back," I showed J the message. He said he understands and to sleep good! He will text you in the morning:) -Chris"

She sent back," Ok ttyl Chris! PS. don't hurt Callie:/"

His message read," i would rather die than hurt Callie, or see her hurting! I love her more then my life! shes everything to me!!!"

That was the end of the messages. i didn't even realize i was crying until i swiped my hand under my cheek and felt hot tears.

What Christian said was so sweet!

Of course i feel the same way!

I texted him," hey, u up?"

 After a couple minutes when he never texted back,i got up and went to take a shower...

After i got out of the shower, i curled my hair and put on a summery yellow dress >>>>>>>

I left a note for Mekenna, Emilee, and Alex, to tell them i was going for a walk in the park.

I took a step outside and felt a cool breeze of fresh air hit my face automatically

i breathed in the fresh air greedily.

We don't have the money to pay for air conditioning in our house so its always pretty stuffy!

I took the shortcut to the park near our house ( which means hopping the fence!)

As i was almost over the metal gate, my dress got caught on the edge.

I felt my self falling slowly.

I tried to grab on to something to break my fall, but all i could hold on to was the air.

I felt myself hit the grassy field with a hard thud!

I rolled onto my side and saw that my dress was torn but i was ok.

I closed my eyes and laid on the grassy field enjoying the cool breeze when i heard voices coming towards me.

I opened my eyes in time to see Justin and Christian coming towards me.

I sat up and they noticed me.

Both their eyes got wide and they sprinted over to me in mere seconds.

I guess i looked pretty bad by the look of their faces.

Christian was the first to speak.

" oh my gosh Callie, are you ok?"

I laughed and said back," ya im fine! just a little fence hopping accident!"

They both laughed.

" ok then, if your sure your ok..." christian said, still worried.

" yes Christian, I'm fine! So what are you guys doing here?" i asked.

" Ryan and Chaz wernt up yet, and it was kinda stuffy in our house, so we took a walk and ended up seeing you fall from that fence!" Justin said, as he was trying not to laugh.

" well, i came out there for the same thing! The rest of the girls are practically dead from the fun night last night!" i said back.

" THEY HAD FUN?!?!?!" Justin yelled at me.

" 1. owwww i think you just blew my eardrum and 2. yes we all had a great time!" i said laughing.

Chris spoke up again then," umm... Callie.. i was wondering, if maybe, you dont have to! but if you might possibly want to be my girlfriend?" he asked shyly.

" awww Chris!!! of course ill be your girlfriend!!!" i said back happily.

He let out a long sigh of relief." phew, i was worried there for a second!"

" haha well you shouldn't have been! well i should probably be getting back home now so ill text you guys!" i said with a big smile.

"Ok, bye Callie!" they both said, but Christian kissed my cheek.

I grinned and turned back to the fence.

I took a deep breath, and began to climb again.

Just as i reached the top, Justin yelled back to me," Oh, and Callie...The fence was unlocked the whole time!"

I glared at him and Christian as they were laughing their heads off.

i huffed and climbed down from the fence and swung it open.

I turned my back on Justin and Christian and stalked off.

I got to my house just in time to see 3 police cars parked in front of it!

This can NOT be good.....

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