Chapter Three: The Fleeting Voice

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Hey there Wattpad readers, my deepest apologies for taking so long to update this story! You see, my laptop's fan had stopped working, and as such, I had to stop using my laptop so it wouldn't get any permanent damage!  But now, my laptop has finally been fixed, so now I'll be able to post chapters again!  And so, without further ado, keep on reading! :D

In Radiant Garden, early in the morning, the sun was just beginning to come out, and its rays pierced through the Great Maw. As the first light of morning signaled the arrival of a new day, everyone woke up and started at their routines and businesses, happy and content with their lives. Ever since the Keyblade Wielders had stopped Dark Orion three years ago, Radiant Garden was able to be rebuilt, and now the people's hearts fester with hope and happiness, and a peace that has been long fought for. Riku was in the town square, looking at the various supplies and merchandise that the nearby shops were bringing in, and he was looking at the people's smiles and hopeful faces. He felt happy that everyone was at such ease, but at the same time, he felt worried. Three years ago he had encountered the Unborn and a mysterious cloaked woman that taunted him. He had consulted about this with Kairi and the others, and they had decided to take precautionary measures in order to make sure they weren't caught by surprise in the event of an enemy attack. He felt tired and restless. All he wanted to do was to be like the townspeople: happy and carefree. But alas, he felt the heavy thoughts of worry seep into his mind, and thus he wasn't able to sleep well at night. He was getting tired of it.

As his mind drifted off, he didn't notice that a little boy had been watching him all this time, and only when Riku looked down did he notice the boy tug at his shirt. "Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I was a little dazed. What can I do for you little one?" The little boy smiled and held his toy sword up high. "I want to be just like you when I grow up! I want to be a Keyblade Wielder and save the day!" Riku smiled and laughed and stroked the little boy's hair and he now felt more at ease. "Well, as long as you always follow your heart and you protect the things that matter, you'll have what it takes to wield a Keyblade." With those words, the little boy's eyes shined with hope and wonder, and then he jumped of joy as he went towards his friends and talked to them excitedly. "Did you hear that!? I'll definitely have what it takes to be a Keyblade Wielder one day!" The other children were amazed and they happily followed the little boy. Riku smiled as he watched the children walk away.

All of a sudden, he felt a sudden jolt race through his body. He immediately felt like someone was standing right in front of him, even though no one was there. " I going crazy now?" He shook his head as he headed deeper into town, and then the same sudden jolt raced through him. He then stopped, and for a moment, he could swear he heard someone's voice. Then he closed his eyes and concentrated, and when he felt the jolt one more time, he heard a familiar voice, loud and clear, as if the person was right in front of him. "Riku...can you hear me? Riku!" It only took mere seconds for Riku to recognize the voice. It was Dawn! His face immediately changed expression, and then he saw the area around him distort and swirl into a pitch black field, with nothing in sight. He knew that this is where he could see Dawn. She was trying to communicate with him. "Dawn, I'm here, I can hear you! I've missed have you been?" He then looked up and saw Dawn walking towards him and touching his face. "I've missed you too, and I'm all right, but I can't stay talking for long, otherwise The Elder will notice that I'm communicating with you, and I'll be in trouble, that's why my power isn't as strong as it is in other times." Riku looked alarmed, and then he held Dawn's shoulders. "What is it Dawn? Is there trouble?" Dawn nodded, with a concerned look on her face.

"Yes, Riku. Tell me, have you noticed strange things in the last couple of years? Or anything recent?" Riku immediately nodded. "Yes, I remember that three years ago, during Christmastime, I fought off some Unborn just outside the city, and then I encountered this mysterious woman wearing a cloak, but she disappeared rather quickly." Dawn quickly nodded and she held Riku's hands tightly. "Then you must be careful. For it seems that there is indeed a new threat about to emerge, and it's somehow taken control over Dark Orion's Unborn. And it seems this mysterious new enemy is hiding in the shadows, waiting to strike. I suggested to The Elder to ask you and your friends for help, but he denied your assistance, and instead, he's putting the counsel members up to the task. I know in my heart that it won't be enough, so I had to tell you about this so you and the others can prepare yourselves!"

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